Mailchimp sold 12 Billon Dollar

Intuit has agreed to acquire Mailchimp for about $12 billion in cash and stock to support its "mission to promote global prosperity". Mailchimp sold 12 Billon Dollar.
Mailchimp is well known for its email marketing platform or the hilarious commercials that accompanied the first season of the hit series podcast. No matter what comes to mind first, the company has grown to include tools that companies can use to create their own websites, create online stores, or promote platforms like Facebook, among others.
Meanwhile Intuit stands behind financial management services Mint and QuickBooks and electronic filing software TurboTax. With the exception of TurboTax, the service is mostly used behind the scenes, while the offerings Intuit has obtained with Mailchimp are more visible to the public. Companies can now target both sides of online management.
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In other words, Mailchimp co-founder Ben Chesten said the deal would allow the combined company to "provide innovative engines for small business growth through marketing automation, customer relationship management, accounting and compliance, payments and fees, and e-commerce. Solution driven." . "And to be"the only source of truth for your company".
Intuit said in a press release that Mailchimp has 13 million users, 2.4 million of whom use at least one of the company's products each month and 800,000 paying customers. But the real attraction is the information that Mailchimp collects: It should contain “data and technology in the form of 70 billion contacts and 250+ rich partner integrations as well as “Automation powered by [this] AI-scale Fuel 2.2 and contain millions of daily forecasts. managed by AI" across platforms. Reuters