MBA studies - a springboard to professional success

Year after year, MBA studies are becoming more and more popular among Polish students and working people. Those looking to

MBA studies - a springboard to professional success
MBA studies - a springboard to professional success

Year after year, MBA studies are becoming more and more popular among Polish students and working people. Those looking to become a business shark in the near future should consider earning this prestigious degree. There are many arguments in favor of expanding one's qualifications in this direction.

What is an MBA?

MBA (Master of Business Administration) is a articalgraduate study providing modern knowledge and skills on a managerial basis. They can be safely described as interdisciplinary, because they combine content in the field of finance, economics, quantitative analysis, sociology, psychology, law, marketing, business management and accounting. Here, knowledge is intertwined with the acquisition of practical skills, illustrated on specific examples.

Benefits of MBA studies:

  • Excellent professional qualifications - incl. highly developed managerial skills and knowledge of modern management techniques;
  • Gaining interdisciplinary knowledge in the field of marketing, finance, accounting and economics;
  • Prestigious diploma - in world, MBA studies enjoy great trust among employers;
  • Better job prospects - according to the opinions of 78% of employees of the HR department, the MBA diploma is a key issue in considering the candidacy of a person applying for a job as a manager;
  • Promotion - a person with an MBA diploma can count on quick professional development;

Salary increase.

Who is the MBA for?

MBA studies are directed especially to managers occupying high managerial positions. The range of knowledge and modern skills is particularly relevant to management and leadership competences. This type of competency will also work well for owners of medium and large companies. MBA studies will also be suitable for people who want to get a promotion or change a job to a more satisfying one.

Must Read: Bachelor degree

What earnings can an employee with an MBA degree count on?

The results of the National Remuneration Survey from 2012, show that people with an MBA diploma earn 166% more than those who completed articalgraduate studies. The same research repeated in 2015 showed that the average monthly salary of MBA graduates working in managerial and director positions was 5,381.47 United States Dollar gross.

Company lineage - a key factor affecting earnings

As the 2015 study showed, the differentiation in salaries among MBA graduates also depended on whether the data concerned a position in an international company. As you can easily guess, the highest level of earnings was recorded among employees employed in foreign companies. Managers working in such enterprises could count on an average of United States 3,972 Dollar gross per month. For comparison,

Before making a decision

For people who want to take part in trial classes, Universities have prepared MBA Days. This is a great opportunity to learn about the organization of classes, feel a substitute for future studies, and get to know the teaching staff composed of many years of practitioners in various business fields.

A detailed offer of MBA studies, as well as the schedule of MBA Days at Universities can be found and visit.