Mental disorders of adolescence influence education
the ages of 10 and 19. We will see right away what disorders adolescents face. Mental disorders of adolescence influence education.

One of the great problems in education is to deal with the disorders faced in adolescence. These determine to a large extent, the success of adolescents in studies and family and social relationships. We all know adolescence, it is one of the most difficult ages for human beings. Physical and emotional changes can shake a youth's mental health, complicating their educational performance. A huge amount of the world's population is between the ages of 10 and 19. We will see right away what disorders adolescents face. Mental disorders of adolescence influence education.
Although adolescents enjoy physical health and mental health, they may have some type of disorder that affects them. And being of the age to receive education, they influence the way they take advantage of that same education. According to experts, mental disorders start at 14 years of age. In some cases, they can arise earlier. Most worryingly, many are neither detected nor treated. And so many students end up dropping out of school. Because their mental conditions have neither been understood nor remedied. And this influences their present and future lives, because these untreated diseases are endured in adulthood.
The demands of everyday life and the same difficult phase of adolescence, lead to depression. This is one of the main causes of adolescent problems that are noticed at home and at school. And it can lead them to suicide. This issue is so rugged that every year, it truncates the lives of a large number of young people between 15 and 19 years of age.
When the mental disorders suffered by adolescents are not taken into account, the immediate consequences are devastating. But they continue into adult life. And they are the cause of many adults not being able to enjoy a full life. But they also condemn society to poverty for those who drop out. And in the long run, they make health services more expensive. Because today's untreated adolescents will be the adults who require the most attention in their adult lives.
Education is therefore affected by mental disorders in adolescents. It is noted in school absenteeism, in adolescent-adult conflicts. Also in school results and school dropouts. And of course, in the health of young people because they influence their physical health.
Young people today live complicated situations that go back in time. They are exposed to abuse, violence and also poverty. They cope with the physical and emotional changes of age. And now also, those caused by the pandemic that confines and isolates them. All of this has a negative impact on your health. And the obligation of society and the school is to concentrate on observing the behavior of young people. Treat the conditions that arise and guide them towards wellness.
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The difficult stage of adolescence and educational care.
The mission of the school is to guide youth toward their academic goals. But you should not also get involved in your mental well-being. In adolescence, when they suffer in their self-esteem, in their trust in others, and in physical changes, they must receive the support of the family and also of the teachers.
It is important that the school is involved in providing tools so that they can manage emotional changes. Face the problems of the environment and make good decisions. Therefore, it is important to monitor the adolescent based on their academic performance. Because its performance is the main indication when something is wrong. When the school is not involved, juvenile mental disorders are not treated. This causes school dropout, or current problems in the environment, such as absenteeism, rebellion, harassment and others.
Every adolescent has lived the demanding reality of fitting into an environment, exploring their sexual identity, responding to the educational pressure to learn, and also fitting into their family environment. We must add racial segregation, gender violence and many other factors. All of this has an effect on their mental health that exposes them to mental disorders. But they also arise when you suffer from a mental disorder.
Main mental disorders in adolescence.
Among the conditions that adolescents suffer are mainly depression and anxiety, which causes both emotional and physical reactions. And in which parents and teachers must be vigilant. Depression is suffered by millions of adolescents and adults in the world. It borders them on sadness, frustration, loneliness and absenteeism or school dropouts. Left untreated, it can lead a teenager to suicide.
In addition to mental disorders, eating disorders are suffered during adolescence, mostly among girls. Not only do they greatly affect your physical health, they are also the cause of depression, anxiety. And in many cases, substance abuse. Self-harm and suicide are alarming each year among adolescents.
Adolescent mental disorders and society
With mental disorders it is not only the adolescent who suffers that suffers, the family also suffers and society suffers. It is important that in the educational environment these disorders are very present when educating adolescents. The teacher can exert an important influence when it comes to detecting these in his students. And therefore the importance of monitoring young people, in their attitudes and performance.
Adolescents with mental disorders should be treated immediately and permanently. Because in this way a teenage disorder is prevented from becoming the problem that will reach adulthood without a solution. Because in this way the adolescent will be prevented from immersing himself in an attitude that will affect him emotionally and physically. And work will be done to provide help to avoid school dropouts. Because from it, the adolescent will have fewer opportunities to improve their problems. And he will become a sick adult without tools to survive in an environment that will become more and more problematic for him.