Mistakes parents make when we want children to read
Avoiding these mistakes that parents usually make when we want our child to read and focusing on the successes will be of great help to

The books are wonderful. They take us to other worlds, they make our imaginations fly, they entertain us and they amuse us. Not to mention concrete things like that thanks to them you can improve your writing and reading comprehension, as well as developing your critical spirit. That is why I dare to affirm that all the fathers and mothers of the world would love that our children will be fond of reading forever. Avoiding these mistakes that parents usually make when we want our child to read and focusing on the successes will be of great help to achieve this goal.
- The power of reading in children's development
- What not to do if you want your child to read. Mistakes to avoid
- What we can do so that our children are readers
The power of reading in children's development
Books are one of the best gifts there is, for adults and also for children. For this reason, pedagogues and teachers advise introducing children to the world of reading at an early age. First we will be the ones who read the stories to the little ones, for example, before they go to bed and, once they have the capacity to do so, it will be our children who read the books they like the most. And it is that reading has many benefits for the development of children, not only because it helps them to know the correct use of grammar rules, but because it allows us to work on emotions. 'When children read a story, they see themselves reflected in the characters and are able to empathize with their problems. They innately learn to recognize those same feelings in situations of their daily life, making it easier for the adult to guide the child to solve their emotional conflicts
What not to do if you want your child to read. Mistakes to avoid
Knowing them is the first step in trying to avoid them. Remember that there are children who are more interested in reading than others, however, parents must be there to support and motivate, never to force.
- Force them to read
Phrases such as 'if you don't read there's no TV', 'you have to read yes or yes', 'reading is part of the duties you have for the day' can have a negative effect. Transform those sentences and you will see how things change: 'we read for a while and then we do whatever you want, for example, taking a walk or watching TV for a while' or 'reading for a little bit will help you better understand your textbooks. You have to read for fun, never out of obligation!
- Choose us the books
If you want your child to be interested in reading, allow him to choose the books he will read. Comics, comics, those with a lot of drawings and little handwriting also have to be among the options.
- Use reading as a reward or punishment
If you read you play video games, if you don't read the console won't turn on. Does this sound like something to you? Here's another mistake to avoid. There is no need to use rewards or punishments, it is useless!
- Set a bad example. Not read you
Things like telling the child to read while we look at the mobile or while we say softly that we do not like reading is another mistake to change from now on. Children, as you already know, learn by example. If you read, they read. Always keep it in mind!
- Overwhelm them
That they have already read for a while and have gotten tired, because we tell them to read more because they have read very little and, not happy with them, we ask them a lot of questions to see if they have found out everything. Not that way!
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6 Compare them with others
Comparing children is not okay. If you tell your children 'the children in your class read and you do not', you are not doing any favors, don't you think?
What we can do so that our children are readers
As said before, there are children who feel more interest than others in reading; This also happens with sports, crafts ... But that is not why we are going to stop doing things like the ones I tell you here to try to arouse the curiosity of children.
Read with them
Read with your children, you will see that they do not tell you no. And when I propose that you read with them, I mean listen to them and read part of their book aloud. You will have a good time as a family and your children will understand that reading can be a perfect hobby.
Have books around the house
The books have to be at hand, so they will see them and at some point they will be encouraged to take them. By the way, this also works with the fruit, which is in a visible place in the kitchen and accessible to them so that they can pick it up whenever they want.
Go to the library
What more successes do parents have when trying to get our children to read? Well, things as simple as visiting the library from time to time. There are no valid excuses, some are even open on weekends.
Give them books on special occasions
Give them a book for their birthday, and other happy occasions, for how hard they have worked this year in class and, why not, other times you give them a book because you feel like it. How exciting!
Take the book to the park or country
We are going to spend a day at the park or in the country, we have dinner out or we have a train or car journey ... Yes, you are right, to liven up the wait or in the moments in which we are going to be comfortably seated, we take our book and enjoy it has been said.
Share the reading with them
You can ask your child what he reads, if he likes it, which character he finds most interesting. But like this, without being overwhelmed, just to talk to him. Also tell him what you read and comment what you feel like; it will be a very enriching experience for both of you.