Moral values that shape the character of the child

Moral values €‹€‹are standards that help a person determine what is right and wrong, good and bad. This understanding is necessary in order

Moral values that shape the character of the child
Moral values that shape the character of the child

Moral values €¹€¹are standards that help a person determine what is right and wrong, good and bad. This understanding is necessary in order to make honest and just decisions in daily life. Moral development is an important process that must begin in early childhood. Adhering to moral values, children can form a good character and positive personal qualities. The child's family plays an important role in supporting and controlling the child.

This article will discuss moral values €¹€¹and their significance for the child.

The importance of moral values €¹€¹for the child

If you develop moral values €¹€¹in a child, it has a positive effect on her.

  1. Moral values €¹€¹help to form positive character traits: compassion, respect, kindness, humility, and so on.
  2. Moral values €¹€¹help the child to distinguish right and wrong, good and bad. Ultimately, it promotes the development of rational thinking and objective judgment about the world around us.
  3. Moral values €¹€¹form a child's point of view, system of relationships and beliefs about various aspects of life.
  4. Moral values €¹€¹increase a child's self-confidence and help him stay positive even in difficult situations.
  5. Moral values €¹€¹allow children to direct their energy in the right direction.
  6. Moral values €¹€¹work as a guide that helps the child avoid the negative influence of peers, social networks or society as a whole when he enters adolescence and grows up.
  7. Moral values €¹€¹help to establish high standards of social life that help the development of society as a whole. From early childhood to adulthood, the family contributes to the moral development of the child.

How to instill moral values €¹€¹in a child

The education of moral values €¹€¹in a child helps to develop positive traits of his character. Here are some ways you can help.

  1. Be a role model for your child. It is useless to read morals to a child if you do not follow what you teach him. Children will learn your lessons better by following your example. Therefore, show honesty, humility, responsibility and compassion.
  2. Share with the child your experience related to moral values. Stories from books that teach a child honesty or justice are good, but life stories are even better. Share your life experiences with your child to instill moral qualities in your child.
  3. Help the child get acquainted with moral values €¹€¹in practice. You can, for example, show her how to talk politely to others, help those who are in a difficult situation, do not brag, and so on.
  4. Praise the child for good behavior. This will be a positive reinforcement for her good deeds. It is not necessary to encourage the child financially. Instead, you can praise the child for good behavior in the presence of the whole family. When a child is praised by parents or relatives, it increases his self-confidence and self-esteem.
  5. Communicate with the child clearly and simply. Talk about moral values €¹€¹in a language that the child understands. You can use examples from your child's life to teach her moral values.
  6. Use the media correctly. They can have a positive or negative effect on children. If you use them correctly, your child can gain important knowledge about moral values. For example, you can watch movies with your child or read her morals on the Internet. However, it is better to use the media to raise older children.

So, what moral values €¹€¹should a child learn?

15 moral values €¹€¹for children

Consider the basic moral values €¹€¹that you should instill in your child.

  1. Thanks

Gratitude is a willingness to express your gratitude for what you have. Gratitude begins with a sense of satisfaction. Teach your child to be grateful for what is in his life. Tell her that nothing and no one can be taken for granted.

  1. Honesty

From an early age, children know from books that you always need to be honest. But to know the true meaning of honesty, you need to apply it in life. A child will only be able to develop honesty if he is honest with parents, teachers and other people. Explain to the child that it is always better to honestly admit your mistake than to try to hide it. Show your child that he or she can begin to develop honesty from an early age: for example, being honest with classmates and teachers.

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  1. The ability to share

When you share something with another person, you care about them. The child needs to know how important it is to share with others. Teach your child to share their things with people who need them. Let her share her toys, books, and other things with less affluent peers.

  1. Compassion

Compassion is a person's ability to understand another person's problems and feelings. It is the ability to put oneself in another person's place. To teach a child to be sensitive to others, you must first show compassion to her. Listen carefully to what your child is telling you and support it. Talk to her about how she can deal with her problems, make agreed decisions with her.

  1. Empathy

Empathy is the feeling of love and care that a person feels for others. It is a deeper feeling than compassion, because you not only understand the other person's feelings, but also seek to help them with their problems. Nurturing compassion in a child will help him or her establish good relationships with other people.

  1. Cooperation

Collaboration is helping others to achieve a goal that is often reciprocal. The first step in teaching a child to cooperate can be family cooperation. Do household chores together, listen and support each other. Such simple actions will help the child to think not only about himself but also about others.

  1. Respect

From an early age, a child must learn to respect people, regardless of their age, social status, religion, nationality, beliefs and views. As a child grows up, respect becomes an important step towards the development of healthy social and professional relationships. A polite conversation with a waiter or taxi driver is a good example you can set for your child.

  1. Equality

Equality is an integral part of justice. The child must form the belief that all people have equal rights and opportunities. Allow your child to play with other children regardless of their social status or nationality. In this way you will show her the idea of €¹€¹equality in action.

  1. Justice

A sense of justice allows the child to resist behaviors and views that he or she considers unfair. Also, the child can make the right choice in different situations. Show your child an example of justice at home. For example, you can set a single time for all children when they should go to bed. You can also explain to your child that adults go to bed later because they need to finish housework.

  1. Courage

Courage is a willingness to make difficult decisions in difficult situations. A sense of courage gives the child the opportunity to do the right thing. When a child shows courage (for example, telling the teacher about the unfair situations she has witnessed), praise her for it. Tell your child that you are proud of her.

  1. Approval

Approval is the ability to accept another person's point of view. Approval broadens the child's horizons and helps to look at the situation differently. For example, if your children disagree with something, ask them to listen calmly to each other and try to understand. Teach them to accept the other person's point of view and find the best solution together.

  1. Generosity

This trait is especially important for a child to become kind and socially responsible. A generous child is ready to devote his time and help others without wanting to get something in return. Encourage your child to lend a helping hand to those who need it. Let her do the little she can.

  1. Responsibility

The best way to teach a child responsibility is to set a good example. You can give your child household responsibilities that are appropriate for his or her age. For example, a child may wash dishes, set the table and clean the table after dinner, or simply follow a daily routine.

Responsibility helps a child learn better in school. Therefore, when entrusting the child with household chores, praise him when he completes the tasks.

  1. Perseverance

Persistence is the effort to achieve a goal. To instill in a child perseverance, you must teach him to overcome obstacles. The child should practice this in all areas of life. For example, if she gets bad grades, don't scold her. Instead, motivate your child to keep working until he or she corrects the situation. Support your child to persevere.

  1. Self-control

Self-control is an important trait that helps a child control his thoughts, words, actions and emotions. A child who knows how to control himself does not act impulsively and avoids anger. Encourage your child to be patient. For example, explain to her that every time she feels angry, she has to control her emotions and stay calm. You should also show your child an example of self-control.

Moral values €¹€¹are a kind of brick from which a child's personality is built. Your task is to form in her beliefs and attitudes to different things. This will help your child become a morally strong and steadfast person. The sooner you start instilling moral values €¹€¹in your child, the better. It will take you a lot of time and effort, but as a result you will be able to form a child's moral qualities.