My child is not learning
What is the reason for this? Why doesn't motivating help? And above all - can this state of affairs be changed? My child is not learning.

A child who doesn't want to learn is a common problem. What is the reason for this? Why doesn't motivating help? And above all - can this state of affairs be changed? My child is not learning.
When I talk to my parents, I often hear sentences such as "My child is not learning", "He does not want anything" or "It is difficult to enroll them in learning". Despite tutoring, the results are still far from ideal, leading to a computer barrier, taking the phone away or being cut off from the Internet. Often the effect of such actions - to the surprise of parents - turns out to be short-lived.
The parent's reaction is the result of what happens to his child as a student. The question is: why does a parent describe the situation they are facing in this way? What does he see the essence of the problem in? At the same time, it is also worth considering what happens to the student himself, who transmits certain signals to his parents. And why tutoring and punishment change nothing?
Science? I do not want to!
It is worth looking for the answer at the source. I built a survey and, using Facebook, I asked young people aged 13 to 19 to answer, inter alia, to such questions as:
- What makes it difficult for you to start your lessons?
- How much time do you spend doing homework at a time?
- How do you learn?
- Do you use learning mobile apps?
Based on the responses of 40 people, i.e. almost two classes, it turned out that:
- The main reasons that prevent students from taking lessons are laziness and a lack of will and motivation;
- Students study from 15 minutes to even 4 hours - in the latter case they take breaks;
- Most often children learn by repeating, rewriting and drawing or marking important information;
- Students often use mobile applications, but - unfortunately - not those designed for learning.
If we look at the self-study process of the students, it seems to be doing quite well. At least 2 senses are involved - hearing, realized in repetition and speaking aloud, as well as sight, i.e. reading, marking, drawing. In addition, there is physical involvement, associated with marking (hand movement). If the obtained data on the ways of learning bode well, what exactly is the problem? Let's leave the students for a moment ...
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Dear parent, you probably know the feeling when you don't want to go jogging, go to the swimming pool or do something for yourself? You don't feel like it, because you are probably tired after work, some situation during the day has upset you, you feel that it's not that day or you just don't feel like taking up any activities, because you prefer to sink into blissful laziness.
So think that your child ...:
- After 7 lessons at school and extracurricular activities, proportional to her age, she may also feel tired;
- May also be convinced that today is not the right day to start working on something new;
- Especially in adolescence, even more often than you do not feel like doing anything;
- He often comes across stressful situations at school, and social relations in the classroom have a huge impact on his emotional state. As a result, they do not always have the head to learn, because they experience the events of the school.
When looking at your child, first think about how your day has been and show empathy. Consider that a student who spends most of the day at school may feel like you today - on their teenage or childhood scale, of course.
I can do a lot!
Let's deviate a bit from the subject of school and ask ourselves when are there moments in life when a person can move mountains? They will, of course, be defined differently for each of them, but let us make some generalizations. Certainly, one of such moments is the start of a new job - the one we have been waiting for or wanted to have. Then 8 hours pass very quickly and we feel joy. Another moment is moving to a new flat / house. Bulbs may be hung instead of lamps, but every picture, little thing or flower pleases the eye. The upcoming holiday, especially with sun and heat, is another example.
What feelings do we experience then? The whole range of emotions will include joy, excitement, fascination, a sense of unlimited freedom ... And all this in connection with the opening of a new chapter in life. Then even a parachute jump is possible, not to mention such mundane activities as running, swimming, cycling or yoga. We try everything when we feel willing and motivated due to positive events in our life.
Here we come to the chase. If we want anything to be permanently recorded in our lives, it should be related to strength from within. This force can be:
- Belief in the rightness of something (e.g. case, views, attitudes),
- Experiencing something in the emotional sphere (strong positive and negative feelings),
- Internal motivation.
As we can see, this force may have various sources, but their common denominator is the permanent recording of related events in the brain matrix. And that's what we're getting at in terms of learning.
Mom, Dad - I sit down to the lesson
Every parent wants to hear such a sentence ... The key to success lies in directing internal motivation to learning. Positive feelings, commitment and the will to create in the child should be triggered in such a way that the student - your child - derives pleasure or even joy from learning!
Meanwhile, dear parent, when you come home from work tomorrow and your child from school, give both of you the right to catch your breath. Look at your child as if in a mirror. Is she tired? What's bothering her? What is she happy about? You will decide when it's time to sit down to the lesson.