Nestle Actively Recalling Contaminated Coffee

January 2021 is being recalled. You can find the use by date by looking t the top of the lid. Nestle Actively Recalling Contaminated Coffee.

Nestle Actively Recalling Contaminated Coffee
Nestle Actively Recalling Contaminated Coffee

Nestle has just announced and is urging customers to recall the product mentioned as Nestle Sakishima Espresso Latte drink due to the growing concerns the drink might be contaminated with a tinge of hydrogen peroxide. This is because the gas is used to clean the empty pots before filling it with the product itself which might lead to an unpleasant taste and a tingling sensation in the mouth when it is being consumed. Only the Nescafe Sakishima Espresso Latte which is packed at a site of 190 ml with a use by date of 26th January 2021 is being recalled. You can find the use by date by looking t the top of the lid. Nestle Actively Recalling Contaminated Coffee.

If you are affected by this recall which means you have one of these products at hand, you should not consume it at all but should return it to the store where you bought it from to the get a full refund. Nestle has also recommended that if you cannot physically go to the store, you should just dispose the product but hold the top of the pot lid which has the date on it which can then be sent to Nestle UK Address for a full refund.

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You can also call their UK helpline for more information. Hydrogen Peroxide is a chemical that is used mainly for cleaning. It was also once an antiseptic but is not currently one anymore. If swallowed at extremely high concentrations, hydrogen peroxide can cause vomiting fever, inflammation and can damage organs that are hollow. However, the recalled cups are nowhere near that concentration, so customers do not need to worry but are also not advised to drink the latte either.

If you or someone else, you know is showing signs of extreme illness such as vomiting or feeling dizzy or unconscious then they should request an ambulance immediately as those are signs of severe hydrogen peroxide poisoning. Nestle has however recommended that you check the use by dates of the drink you purchase to ensure it is not of the same type.