New Year's traditions around the world
Are you in the mood for new New Year's traditions? In addition to counting down to twelve and watching fireworks

Are you in the mood for new New Year's traditions? In addition to counting down to twelve and watching fireworks (of course you shouldn't forget classic New Year's traditions), I've put together a list of New Year's traditions from all over the world to inspire you to start new traditions on the last day of the year.
- Start New Year's Eve the right way
On the right foot. In Scotland and Greece there is an old tradition which means that the first person who enters your home will bring you either good luck or bad luck. Therefore, try to get family or friends to enter first - of course with the right foot first and always with a gift in hand.
- Jump around
If you want to get your guests started, you can do as the Danes do and jump into the year. The Danes jump into the new year by literally jumping off a chair at the stroke of twelve. In Brazil, they have taken this jumping into the year to the next level. On New Year's Eve, they go down to the beach and jump over seven waves - at the same time wishing for seven things for the new year.
- Mouth full of grapes
In Spain and in many other Spanish-speaking countries, the new year begins with a mouth full of grapes. Eating twelve grapes at midnight is said to bring good luck for the next twelve months. But you can't eat the grapes whenever you want. You must eat them at midnight while the church bells strike twelve strokes - one grape per stroke.
- Za Zdorovjie
In Russia, people take their New Year's dreams very seriously. They write down the dreams for the new year on a piece of paper and then burn it. After they have burned the paper, they take the ashes and pour them into a glass of champagne which they drink. Bowl!
- On the move
This is truly a New Year's tradition for anyone who loves to travel. In Colombia, those who want a year of travel walk around the block with an empty suitcase at midnight.
- Love color
There are many New Year traditions that involve clothing: In Brazil, for example, everyone wears white to protect themselves from evil spirits. In China, on the other hand, they dress in red for luck (but they do this in February when they celebrate the New Year). This seems to be an important part of New Year's celebrations around the world so you should definitely follow this color guide for the perfect New Year's outfit.
- Think about what you eat
If you eat round food you should get riches, at least if you live in Italy. In Italy, they eat the traditional dish of cotechino and lenticchie (sausage and lentils) at midnight. It is said to bring good luck and prosperity into the new year - after all, lentils look like coins.
- Think in circles
In the Philippines, they also focus on round things. Here they eat and decorate with various round fruits. They also give each other coins and wear spotted clothes in honor of the day.
- Let the lead lead the way
There are those who use tea leaves to predict the future. In the German-speaking part of Europe, and some Nordic countries, it gets a little warmer, however. There they use lead and a bowl of water to predict the new year. A small amount of lead is melted on a spoon and then poured into cold water. The shape that the lead takes is then interpreted to see what will happen in the coming year.