Non-essential Windows services hampering your performance
In Windows services there are certain services that we may not need and that are loaded every time we start the computer, which has the

In Windows services there are certain services that we may not need and that are loaded every time we start the computer, which has the consequence that they may be weighing down the performance of our computer. Let's see what they are and what we can do with them.
The Windows operating system is the most used in the world of computers, software that the vast majority of us use every day.
Well, both in Windows 10 and in Windows 11 there are services that start with the operating system that are not necessary for the use that we are going to give the computer and, therefore, are dispensable.
All these services can be deleted or modified, so we can make the computer run less at startup and thus go lighter.
Before getting into the matter, it should be clear that the part of Windows where we are going to enter and manipulate has its part of danger, since we can cause the operating system to have errors. We just want you to be very sure of what services you are going to delete, if it is not clear it is always better to leave it as it is.
Where should we go to configure Windows services?
To be able to modify or suppress the services that start with the Redmond operating system, we must go to a part of the software where we can handle them at will.
The way to access is extremely simple and we just have to follow these steps:
- The first thing we are going to do is write the following in the Windows taskbar (the magnifying glass in the case of Windows 11): services. MSc
- We must run it as Administrator.
- Now that we are inside, we observe a series of services that we will modify or delete.
- When you double-click on any of the services, a new window appears, where we must choose what we want to do with it.
- More or less in the central part we will see that it says Start Type,
- If we open the drop-down we see that we have several options such as Automatic, Manual or Disabling it.
- Once selected, you just have to click on Apply and then OK.
Now that we know where we can disable or change the start type of a service, it is time to find out which ones we can modify to make the system run more fluid.
Always being very careful with what we choose and, as we said lines above, if we are not sure about it, it is best to leave it as it is.
Services that we can disable
Always taking into account our own needs and equipment, we have services that can be deactivated without problems, especially if we are never going to use them.
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Those are the first that we must disable, precisely because it is absurd to have services on the computer that take up memory, but they will not have the opportunity to be released.
- Downloaded maps manager: if you never use the Maps application, you can disable this service, although we advise you to put it in manual.
- Natural authentication: if you do not have any type of fingerprint reader or service to unlock the device, you can deactivate this service.
- Print queue: This service is only necessary for those who have a printer connected, so it can be disabled if this is not the case.
- Fax: as the name itself indicates, it is quite normal to disable this option, since the people who have faxes connected to the computer are scarce.
- Net Logon: if you use the computer at home, this is one that you will almost certainly not use, since it is responsible for creating secure communication between the computer and a domain controller to authenticate users. It can be disabled without problems.
- Assistant service for program compatibility: this option can be disabled, but it is better to leave it in manual, since it is the one that takes care of the compatibility of the program with old software
- Windows biometric service: by the name you will have already had an idea of €¹€¹what it is. If you don't have biometric hardware, you can safely disable it.
- BitLocker encryption service: Unless you use BitLocker, it is best to have it in manual.
- WAP Push Message Routing Service (dmwappushservice) - This service sends telemetry and fault data to Windows. It can be disabled.
- Handwriting panel and touch keyboard service: You can disable this unless you have such hardware.
- Diagnostic monitoring service: in this case it is also used to measure telemetry so we can disable it.
- Windows Insider service: if you are not part of the Insider program you can disable it or put it in manual.
- Certificate propagation: if you do not use any type of certificate to enter certain websites or programs, you can disable this service,
- Windows Defender Firewall: if you already have software with a firewall, you can disable Windows, always being very clear that there is no software that depends on it to function.
- Windows Mobile Hotspot Service: this is the service used to share the Internet connection of a mobile phone with our computer. The best thing would be to leave it in manual.
- Windows Update: it is a service that is not a good idea to disable at all, but if you have a great lack of performance, this is one of the functions that consumes the most. If you disable it, you will be forced to go back and enable it from time to time to receive the updates that are coming out.
Afterwards, those that depend on the programs that we have installed can be disabled, at which point each one must decide what they want to keep and what can be disabled.
It is clear that, if we have a powerful and state-of-the-art computer, disabling this type of service will not be a significant advantage and in some cases it will even go completely unnoticed.
It is also true that in recent times these services behave better than what they did in other older versions of Windows where it was really noticeable when suppressing this type of services,
But just as we say what you have just read, we are also clear that, in computers limited by not having excessively powerful hardware, these changes in Windows services can make the device feel more capable, fluid and with correct operation.
Do not think that the same fluidity is achieved on the first day we release the computer, but it does achieve a performance above that shown previously.