Orientation and emotional education in family life during the pandemic
to the declaration of the COVID pandemic -19 by WHO. Orientation and emotional education in family life during the pandemic.

We all know how unexpected and uncertain it has been to have to learn to modify our daily lives. We have gone from being active with various tasks in the face of the realities of our life that were "normal" and that were part of our daily lives, to having to comply with the mandatory "stay at home" due to the declaration of the COVID pandemic -19 by WHO. Orientation and emotional education in family life during the pandemic.
The initial question may be: were people and societies throughout the world prepared for this change in life? Of course not. And, at the present time, do we understand and are aware in our personal lives and in our families of what this experience of care and more care has meant? Surely, in part, because we have been informing ourselves from various sources: social networks, newscasts, friends, among others.
Do we need to talk and share about it? Of course yes. Why? Because human beings are social beings of an emotional affective nature; we need contact, communication and feeling integrated. In this sense, educational guidance provides tools to understand the importance of emotional education to positively face the current moment of uncertainty that has impacted all areas of people's lives; and, very especially, family life and relationships between parents and children.
The presence of emotional education in Early Childhood Education
Emotional education is an educational process, continuous and permanent, which aims to promote the development of emotional competences as an essential element of human development, in order to enable them for life and in order to increase personal and social well-being
Emotional education is part of the transversal axis of Early Childhood Education, mainly in terms of the development of interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. From an early age, it is necessary for children to be integrated into social contexts that guarantee the development of positive bonds with other human beings in an environment of harmony, security and trust.
Precisely, guidance professionals can manage emotional education programs aimed at the level of Early Childhood Education, in order to develop early experiences in the experience of boys and girls to identify, express and manage feelings.
In this sense, the guiding actions have a special presence for the infantile level within the psycho pedagogical processes regarding the following aspects:
- The development of capacities regarding their conception of self and others
- Get experiences to learn to react to the feelings of others
- Participate in recreational activities aimed at managing tolerance and controlling negative emotions.
- Experience diverse situations that allow you to adapt to changing situations
- Learn to live by sharing with others
- Differentiate between the singular way of thinking, feeling, behaving and reacting; with respect to that of others.
- Understand and value human actions from sensitivity, love, compassion, kindness, gratitude and generosity.
The health alert, an opportunity for emotional education to become more important in families
In principle, it is necessary to know and understand that "nothing will be the same as before" and, that is why, we need to be aware that we must "reinvent ourselves"
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We need new habits that allow us to adapt to the new lifestyles that are imposed today. But how? Really, that how? Does not have a single answer. But, I want to focus on the family, on the relationships between parents and children, on home life, on care and care as a family; but, especially, in the care, protection and protection of boys and girls.
First of all, it is necessary to evaluate the before, the now or the current moment and, therefore, what the after can be. In the past: in family life, it is necessary to analyze what was usual, the daily routines that were part of each member of the family and, in particular, in the lives of children. Specify the times to get up, have breakfast, get ready to go to school and maybe play, have dinner and go to sleep.
And now, what has changed in terms of those schedules and those daily routines since COVID-19? Answering the previous question is "realizing" the changes that today require a new lifestyle in family life. So, from there, ask as a family how has that daily life been? But, above all, how do we feel? And, the boys and girls, how do they feel? If they show changes in behavior, talk to them, or if their behaviors, their reactions, what they say, if they obey or not have been observed.
Therefore, the current reality demands new learning and communication is key, of great importance. But emotional family life, emotional education, is also central.
In family coexistence, families have to collaborate with each other to specify the way they speak, the tone of voice used, the reactions they have, the behaviors they show. Because it is not possible to tell children to be obedient, calm and cooperate, if parents show restless and desperate behaviors.
That is why it is necessary to learn to educate the emotions. In principle, it is necessary to realize the way in which you have been thinking and seeing things, and thus have the will to overcome circumstances and try to evaluate the options you have. A day-to-day work without the desire to give up, but with the awareness of occupying the mind and analyzing who is available, what resources are available and giving mutual support. Think as a family for the benefit of the emotional, mental and physical health of the sons and daughters.
Something simple and that has no cost, is to be kind, use kind words, be warm and affectionate with our children. Affective communication is already a step forward that offers an important emotional message that activates in infants a source of light and energy in their lives; it means moving on. These actions will allow boys and girls to develop confidence and security as human beings.
So, take the time to remember the goals that parenting entails; both short and immediate in the day-to-day as well as long ones based on the healthy and healthy development of the sons and daughters towards adult life. The needs of boys and girls must be respected.
It should be noted that it is very important to recognize that each boy or girl is a unique and unrepeatable human being, a human being in daily development. Parents know it, because they were also children. Then, it must be understood that each minor comes to the world of life with their own virtues, with a special mission, with a unique spirit, soul and body. In each boy or girl there is goodness, generosity, innocence, virtues.
So it must:
- Understand that happiness and love at home is at the center of the changes that need to be made: loving your children is loving your family. If fathers and mothers recognize this truth, then, they will take care every day to generate positive stimuli to water the seeds of the home: the children. It's about maintaining healthy and positive self-esteem.
- Offer positive supportive relationships in daily life within the home by teaching minors self-discipline, responsibility, and coping skills to solve problems; therefore, guarantee them protection and love. In the case of very young children, parents will tell them what their tasks are and help them to do them by reinforcing them with positive phrases: "You do it very well, that's very nice, I can help you with what you want to do."
- Build a daily schedule of activities or tasks that constitutes the contribution that each member of the household can give to share as a family. Leaving hours of leisure, games of free activities. This favors creating emotional balance, cooperation and mutual respect. They are healthy habits in parent-child relationships.
- Involve children in the daily menu. Food and the fact of being able to share it with the family is a healthy habit, a positive and important activity that creates positive behaviors in human life. That is an issue that can be a daily task that will allow you to implement changes to obtain a healthy family life. That goes hand in hand with the emotional health of children.