Own website - where to start?
only to reach a larger audience, but also to increase their trust and recognition of the company. Where to start putting it on? Own website.

The website allows not only to reach a larger audience, but also to increase their trust and recognition of the company. Where to start putting it on? Own website.
Currently, we buy online more and more often, we look for websites of our favorite brands on social media, and when we hear that one of our friends is satisfied with the purchase in the store, we immediately ask you to send a link to them or check the company online. This is why it pays off for companies to set up their website. In this article, we'll cover the basic steps to do this.
- Domain and hosting - What are they and what are they needed for?
This is the first thing to think about. Most people don't know what they are, so we explain. The term hosting is the space that is available on the web all the time. It is a separate server space and allows you to share specific resources online, such as websites, files, e-mail. It depends on hosting how fast and stable the website will run, whether the email address will be available to visitors, and many other things. Importantly, the hosting provider also cares about the security of our data. The domain is the website address, for example informal.pk
Domain and hosting - what to consider when choosing?
In the hosting market, the main products are shared hosting, VPS, dedicated servers and cloud server, and recently we also have flexible Web Hosting. Today we cover the most popular - shared hosting.
In simple terms, it involves sharing the resources of one physical server machine by multiple clients. We buy a package, e.g. 10GB, which is only a fraction of the server's resources. There are dozens of clients like us, and sometimes even hundreds - depending on the power of the server and resources assigned to a given package. It is worth remembering that with increased traffic on the storefront or more products, the demand for power will be greater. Hosting, depending on the package, costs from about 10 to 100 PLN per month.
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What parameters should a good hosting have?
As in the case of a personal computer, you need:
- CPU - to perform operations
- RAM - as working memory for the activities performed
- disk space - for your store's files, database
- Internet connection - so that customers can connect to your store
- software - installed PHP server
All these resources are shared as part of hosting services, but remember that it is not always profitable to buy an "unlimited" offer right away. The average website owner, hosting 1-3 company websites, uses an average of about 400-600 MB of capacity for websites (for larger projects up to a few GB) and about 5 GB for e-mail. So in the "unlimited" offer, where the real limit is, say, 300 GB of capacity, you pay about 290 GB for the unused.
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- Information on the site
Think about it, and it's best to write down what information should be on the page and how much there will be. It depends on whether the website will be only a showcase of the company or have additional functions, such as a photo gallery or online records. Or maybe you want to run a company blog or describe each service in detail? Such information is very important when setting up a business website.
Also remember that it is the content of the title page and its appearance that determines whether your potential customer will want to move on.
Also consider what action should the client, visiting the website, perform? Read the article or maybe book an appointment? Buy your product or send an e-mail? Depending on the purpose, relevant content should appear on the page - articles, buttons, Google forms, e-mail address, offer, and so on.
- Company hallmark
As mentioned before, the most important thing is the first few seconds when a potential customer hits the page, so the appearance of the site should also be well thought out. The logo and colors are not in the last place here, because they are the hallmark of your company.
Marketers deal with the selection of colors. This is because some colors can evoke specific associations. These associations should correspond to the specifics of the company. In this way, a black logo, for example, will be associated with a luxury brand, while it is not recommended to use such a color for companies whose target customers are families or children. The red color clearly attracts attention, we usually associate it with passion or anger,