Personalization of education - how to achieve success in education
learn in the conditions traditionally associated with school. Personalization of education - how to achieve success in education.

Recently, there has been a lot of debate about what a modern school should be like. We already have interactive boards, tablets, modern teaching methods, e-textbooks, and rich resource databases available on-line. However, there is still a feeling of being unsatisfied, as if something is still missing ... More and more often, the need to personalize education is emphasized, that is, to approach different learning styles with respect. Today we know that not everyone is able to learn in the conditions traditionally associated with school. Personalization of education - how to achieve success in education.
It turns out that our own learning "menu" is already coded at the neurological level. It is a biological software that defines the context, i.e. individual preferences in the field of receiving and processing information. This means that in order to increase the effectiveness of Students' learning and to improve the quality of teaching in school, we must not treat everyone the same way.
Everyone should learn the best way of learning for them and their own limitations in this regard (i.e. what they don't like, what they avoid and what motivates them). Thanks to this, by learning, you can have a real impact on the independent organization of this process and increase your own efficiency. This allows you to learn faster, more permanently and almost stress-free.
In today's world, learning is one of the key skills. Accelerating the development of civilization requires continuous learning throughout our lives. The European Union classified this skill to eight Key Competences, which were included in the educational documents of European countries. Knowing your own learning style should be even more important than knowing the multiplication table.
How do we know this?
Differences in the way of learning have always been intuitively felt, but it was only the twentieth century that saw the development of technology and the possibility of non-invasive measurements of brain function. Further research increases knowledge about individual differences and the effectiveness of learning. Some scientists even want a special branch of science that deals only with this topic, which shows how important this issue is.
Theory of Multiple Intelligence, recognized as the greatest discovery in the humanities of the twentieth century. Gardner recognized that education should be personalized. The school must focus on the individual, on his or her specific needs and requirements. Although a unified type of learning is associated with justice, not all of them have the same type of intelligence that allows you to get the most out of the school's “offer. By favoring a particular way of learning, only one type of Student is favored, and that is no longer fair.
Recognizing educational needs and adapting the school's “offer to them is the newest direction in education. Teachers are already familiar with various working methods, but still do not use them widely in practice. The main obstacle is the fact that classes are too many, where some teachers have classes, e.g. once a week. In such circumstances, it is difficult for them to quickly recognize the needs of all Learners regarding their learning style. In view of the constant lack of time, is it worth dealing with the issue of reconciling such limitations with the necessity (or even a legal requirement) of individualization? If it is possible?
Why is it worth it?
However, the benefits are countless. Ideally, each Student is diagnosed with a learning style, including tips, a description of strengths, and a list of potential limitations and difficulties. Such knowledge gives teachers new opportunities to provide appropriate educational help or solve emerging problems. Going further, even more can be expected, e.g. better grades from Students, greater satisfaction with learning because they will understand more from the lesson, which in turn gives them a sense of success. Teachers who are motivated by willing to cooperate and curious about the topics of students can feel similar satisfaction. Parents too, having knowledge of the child's learning style, being able to properly support them at home. This creates a coherent school-home system.
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Personalized reality
The world today is becoming more and more "tailor-made". Virtually every aspect of life is adapted to the User. Starting with food (for vegetarians, gluten-free, products enriched with appropriate vitamins and minerals), through clothes (office style, casual, sports), to cars (family, women, businessmen, sports). These are just a few examples. Unified education, operating "blindly", without a diagnosis of the students' learning style, is an ordinary anachronism which, as the dominant method of working at school, should be included in ... the museum of "old educational practices".
Learning styles
Effective learning scientists and other practitioners of the subject believe that anything can be taught to anyone. You just need to choose the right tools. Simply put, personal learning styles depend on your dominant sense. So we can talk about visual learners, auditory learners, people with motor or emotional dominance. Each of them has their own favorite "channels" that make the content reach more efficiently and those that block the absorption of any information.
It seems that thanks to access to the Internet, everyone can learn their own way of learning. You can easily find psychological tests that assess the different parameters that make up the learning style. At the end there is a result with tips for use in your daily practice. However, such tests have drawbacks. Many of them are incomplete, and without due diligence. You need a specialized program and tool for proper evaluation. The assessment of such an important issue should be done conscientiously and precisely.
Changes, changes, changes
Digital reality has shaped the habit of adjusting everything to personal preferences. Modern school cannot ignore this aspect. By being able to adapt education to your needs and interests, you can express yourself and your identity. Standardization and uniformity are giving way to a strong need for individualization. Effective learning today requires an individual perspective, and hence cultural and social changes. Mass education, based on the 19th-century factory model, does not fit in with today's world. It is more important to create an active need for lifelong learning, not only “for tests. The role of the school cannot be just to query the memorized content. Thanks to the knowledge of their own learning style, the Student-User will know how to achieve personal success.
When looking for ways to provide equal educational opportunities and increase the effects of education, you need to look for ways to personalize learning processes and provide each child with an equal start. To achieve this, start by diagnosing Learners' learning styles, adapt teaching methods to them and¦ expect success!