Plan of the day - step by step instructions
If you are interested in time management; You know that planning daily is absolutely essential. Plan of the day - step by step instructions.

If you are interested in time management, you know that planning daily is absolutely essential. Plan of the day - step by step instructions.
Perhaps you already have a calendar, notebook, or application where you create to-do lists. Today I would like to show you how to plan effectively. How to do it, so that it is not burdensome. And that the plan does not remain only written sentences in the calendar, which you will not complete anyway.
Why plan?
Planning is not an end in itself. It serves something. In the case of time planning. It is used to perform tasks. You plan for the tasks that must or want to be done. You distribute tasks in such a way as to take care of what is more important than other things in the available time.
Few people have so few tasks that they have enough time for everything they would like to do. Anyway, such a person is not looking for knowing how to plan his day. Because he does not see the need to do it. So he certainly will not find this page.
Planning is an individual process. It is to serve you first of all - so you need to know what is to be included in your daily schedule.
What to plan in?
Before you start looking for the perfect calendar or application that has a lot of functions and possibilities, answer the question - what do you want to plan in them? What are you planning for? What tasks will you save on your calendar?
Back in the day, when I was crazy about the daily organization. I needed a huge calendar where I could write down everything: purchases, expenses, new ideas, to-do lists, phone reminders, and a daily schedule. And for scheduling such tasks. A comprehensive application would probably be best suited. I didn't have it - anyway. I don't like to plan in applications, I prefer analog methods - so I used a large and heavy calendar.
Now I plan my work and activity time after work. So I just need a regular weekly planner in which I write down tasks, meetings, and matters to be done every day.
This year I decided to plan in a notebook because I couldn't find anything suitable for sale. This is not a perfect method for me, so keep looking. I am thinking of creating my own calendar. But it is on the "ideas, ideas, maybe someday" list for now.
Contrary to appearances, what to plan is the least important thing. I know that it is the end of the year and that shops. Bookstores and social media accounts are flooded with planners that are supposed to tempt the buyer with their beautiful setting and create a feeling that with such a planner in a bag you will be organized. Effective person and you will become a master or master of implementation tasks.
The tool is not as important as the planning habit itself and the decision about what you enter into your plan. And then determination and self-discipline in carrying out these tasks.
Why is this happening?
With a lot of space, you save a lot of tasks. Not all of them are important, and some of them are even completely unnecessary. But since you have so much space, you feel a bit strange typing just two tasks into it. So you are trying to fill the surface. When you have less space to write down. You focus on putting on the calendar what is most important, what you cannot forget. In this way, you do what is important. And you do not remember about less important matters, or at least you do not enter them in the calendar. Because there is no place for these matters in it