Power Engineering
It is necessary for us to function properly, so it is recommended to take dietary supplements, eat certain food products and drink beverages

During the fall and winter season, advertisements flood us with information on how to obtain energy. It is necessary for us to function properly, so it is recommended to take dietary supplements, eat certain food products and drink beverages with a high content of stimulants. Advertisements also recommend energy to the socket, and we can learn from media information that there are still discussions about where to get it from to "feed" the industry and our households. One thing is for sure: you need energy to live. Fortunately, we do not have to think too much about it, because there are specialists who will make sure that we do not lose it. We invite you to the energy sector.
Energetics can be studied on a full-time and part-time basis. There are two stages of education: engineering and master's studies. The first one is devoted to the energy sector in general. Complementary studies allow you to choose a specialization such as: energy systems and devices, renewable energy sources and processing, unconventional energy, nuclear energy. People interested in exploring knowledge and developing a scientific career have the option of completing third-cycle studies. Several Universities of Technology, offer studies in English. It is undoubtedly noteworthy as it opens up new employment opportunities after graduation. During the course of study, the student is obliged to complete internships in a minimum range of four weeks. Depending on the university, their length may change.
So much for structure and possibilities. Let's do science. Polytechnic students say that it is not difficult to get into studies and stay there. In fact, the number of people interested in this field is not very large. The real problems start with the beginning of education. According to students' reports, one in four admitted to this field of study will not make it by the end of their studies. The lack of self-discipline among students is responsible for such a high screening.
Energetics is an interdisciplinary field of study that requires systematic learning, independence and concentration. She is considered demanding. During the first two years, great emphasis is placed on systematising knowledge in the field of mathematics, physics, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. The "Queen of Sciences" in the first stage of teaching can be expected in the amount of 120 hours. 60 hours will be devoted to physics, and 30 hours to chemistry and engineering graphics.
A lot is drawn during studies: descriptive geometry, technical drawing, drawings in AutoCAD. The additional content will include: automation, electrical machines, thermodynamics, electrical engineering and electronics. In addition to the exact subjects, the student must acquire management skills, economic and IT knowledge. Developing knowledge in the field of IT seems justified due to the fact that these skills often support the work of an energy specialist. It is worth considering completing additional courses or studies in this area.
During learning, special attention should be paid to learning foreign languages. Combinations of at least two: English-German, English-French, will open the way to career development. Graduation does not end education. In this industry, you should constantly train as part of the completed specialization or expand your skills, and thus the powers necessary to perform tasks to a greater extent.
The situation on the labor market allows you to start your adventure with the energy industry with a smile. At the moment, the demand for all kinds of specialists in the field of energy is quite large. During the week, there are from a few to a dozen job advertisements for: advisors, analysts, project coordinators, inspectors, technical specialists and sales representatives.
Lower earnings at the beginning of work are due to the lack of experience and the level from which you start. As your career develops, you can count on greater profits, the more so as the demand for energy engineers is growing. This is related to government projects and activities aimed at transforming energy generation systems. Continuous development in the field of renewable sources opens up new opportunities for graduates. In addition to power plants, work for the energy sector awaits, for example, in mines, heat and power plants, at construction sites and still emerging biogas power plants, as well as in widely understood trade. In this case, fluent knowledge of foreign languages €¹€¹as well as negotiating and interpersonal skills are essential.
The employment is also possible thanks to the authorization to issue energy certificates. The statutory obligation to issue energy certificates for, among others, all new buildings, means that work should never be missing. As we have learned from people working in this profession, you can even treat it as an additional, very profitable occupation. To apply for qualifications, it is enough to obtain the title of energy engineer, and thus, there is an opportunity to earn extra money during supplementary studies and to enrich your CV. By completing the relevant articalgraduate studies, he / she has the opportunity to become an energy efficiency auditor.
Studying in this field is not easy. They require systematicity and focus on achieving the goal, which is to obtain the knowledge necessary to start work. Having a diploma and qualifications allows the graduate to spread his wings in the energy industry, which is waiting for professionals with open arms.