Rich Quill

Rich Quill

Last seen: 6 months ago

Rich Quill is formally designed for educational institutions with the aim of providing vital and interesting information on various aspects of educational institutions to its readers.

Member since Sep 8, 2023

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Should students take an interest in politics?

students re gaining knowledge as to how important politics and world affairs rea...

AIOU Workshop Education Schedule 2020

AIOU Workshop Education Schedule 2020

currently starting in September so most of them have already recently started. A...

An Analysis of Single National Curriculum 2020 in Comparison with National Curriculum, 2006

An Analysis of Single National Curriculum 2020 in Compa...

The recently announced Single National Curriculum (SNC) is claiming the best cur...

The Sinister is the scariest horror film ever

The Sinister is the scariest horror film ever

petrify us, make us jump off our skin and curl up under a pillow or under a blan...

Bottle-fed baby ingest "millions" of microplastics: a study

Bottle-fed baby ingest "millions" of microplastics: a s...

A bottle-fed baby can ingest more than a million pieces of microplastic every da...

Why and how do students start cheating in examinations?

Why and how do students start cheating in examinations?

good thing by student sand as to why it is so prevalent currently in our modern-...

Should teachers be given concessions due to the value of their service?

Should teachers be given concessions due to the value o...

if he has educated an entire generation of men and women for many years to come....

Morality in our society “ An Educational Essay

Morality in our society “ An Educational Essay

for people to treat each other or is it just a simple guideline that has been be...

Tech & Telecom
Is negatively reviewing or criticizing a new mobile phone always okay?

Is negatively reviewing or criticizing a new mobile pho...

bashed before it can enter the market in order to ensure low return on investmen...

What are the international courses currently available in Pakistan?

What are the international courses currently available ...

Pakistan has a large number of international courses currently available for any...

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Punjab Board of Technical Education Result in 2020

Punjab Board of Technical Education Result in 2020

Punjab Board of Technical Educations Result for 2020 have been released for all ...

Umar Gul “ A Legend of Cricket Retires

Umar Gul “ A Legend of Cricket Retires

Umar Gul is a legend of Pakistani Cricket. He has been a fast bowler for many ye...

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NTS for AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir)

NTS for AJK (Azad Jammu and Kashmir)

NTS for AJK teachers has recently been announced for Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The...

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Are smartphones useful for older aged individuals?

Are smartphones useful for older aged individuals?

phone numbers instead of saving them in their contacts, always remembering direc...

Disney updates warnings about racism content in classic films

Disney updates warnings about racism content in classic...

stereotypes when streaming on the Disney + streaming service. Disney updates war...

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Why Children should Avoid Energy Drinks

Why Children should Avoid Energy Drinks

the bloodstream that contain high number of additives such as caffeine and tauri...