Raising children by responsible people

She often doesn't know where her textbooks and notebooks are, and her work is untidy and crumpled. Raising children by responsible people.

Raising children by responsible people

Have you ever heard the following words from your child's teacher: “Your son is so neat and organized? His desk is always in order, he performs tasks with three different pastes and always does his homework on time "? Perhaps the teacher's words were a little different: “Your daughter's workplace looks like a tornado. She often doesn't know where her textbooks and notebooks are, and her work is untidy and crumpled. Raising children by responsible people.

Regardless of your child's personality traits, it can be taught to be responsible through purposeful parenting techniques. Keep in mind that all children are different and they learn to be responsible in different ways and to different degrees. Later in the article we will talk about how to correctly determine the degree of responsibility needed by the child, what skills need to be developed, how to teach her responsible behavior and how responsibility helps children learn.

It is important to give children the opportunity to demonstrate that they are responsible for their actions, learning, homework, and relationships. A responsible act includes trust, the ability to make decisions and be responsible for one's behavior. Lessons of responsibility should be given at an early age and continued throughout childhood and adolescence. An effective way to teach a child to be responsible is to assign them certain household responsibilities.

These tasks should be an opportunity for her to help her parents, not a punishment, and rules and consequences for violating them should be established. Parents need to constantly offer their children the opportunity to be responsible and to act responsibly.

Be positive, give clear feedback to your children about homework. Encourage your child more often when he demonstrates a responsible approach, discuss with her the negative aspects of poorly performed tasks if she approaches them irresponsibly. Help your child realize the importance of their responsibilities and take control of them. Talk about it in terms of behavior, not the person himself.

Children need to understand their homework in detail, including when to complete it and to imagine the consequences of not doing or doing it improperly. Sometimes parents need to help their children, but they should not do all the work for them. Children should also know that they have a responsibility to correct mistakes when possible. For example, if a child has made a mess, he should clean up after himself. Many parents attach a schedule of tasks to the refrigerator with the child's name, type of work, time of completion, quality of execution.

As a result, we want our children to grow into responsible people, because it is a healthy and important character trait that is necessary for success in life. Therefore, parents should instill in their child a sense of genuine satisfaction (an inner sense of self-respect and joy) of the result, rather than being satisfied with the child's external encouragement (candy, money, or toys) to see his or her responsible behavior.

What should be the degree of responsibility of the child?

The intellectual level of children increases as they grow older, so parents should give their children a job appropriate to their age. First, children must successfully learn responsibility at lower levels, and then move on to more complex tasks. Too many tasks can upset children, making them feel that they cannot complete any task properly. Children who are given too difficult tasks may feel that they are losers and unable to cope with anything. But children who are not expected to be responsible at all may feel incapable and have low self-esteem. To increase a child's self-esteem, parents need to increase the level of responsibility as they grow older.

As a practice of responsible behavior, toddlers can wash their hands, clean their toys, choose between orange and apple juice and share toys with friends. From an early age, children should be able to make controlled choices and have limited authority. Young children should be given short-term tasks. Large tasks should be divided into smaller ones, perhaps during the day or week.

Primary school children can do the following household chores: cover and clean the table, hang towels and take out the trash. They have to do their homework on time, prepare their clothes for school and keep their room clean and tidy. At this age, children should be allowed to use their money. Let them make mistakes and, of course, suffer the consequences. Children who want a new toy can be advised to collect, save money to buy it. If they spend money on something else, they should understand that they are depriving themselves of the opportunity to buy a new toy until they accumulate it again.

Involve children in making choices, setting rules, and determining the consequences of not doing household chores and responsibilities. When children are personally interested in their actions, they will be more willing to perform their duties. At this age, children better understand the positive lessons of responsibility and the consequences of irresponsibility.

Middle school children can do many household chores. They can wash dishes, floors, wash, nurse young children and prepare simple meals. At the age of 10-12, many children begin to learn about social injustice. Talk to them about what they can do to solve social problems. Some children start volunteering in shelters, teaching younger students, or carrying out assignments from older neighbors. These actions can develop into larger care projects in adolescence, when children are able to take on even more responsibility.

Must Read: Features of bad behavior in preschool children

High school students are able to take responsibility for many tasks at home and at school. Therefore, they need to be trusted and given the opportunity to take a more active part in the life of the family and the team. Adolescents should be responsible for the time they spend in telephone conversations; take care of household chores, such as helping in the yard, cooking, caring for younger siblings, doing family chores, and buying groceries; work part-time, manage your own bank account. Make teenagers responsible for managing their own money so that they can learn important lessons from their attempts and mistakes. This way, you will better prepare them to manage their finances when they become adults.

What skills do children need to develop responsibility?

You can teach your child the following necessary skills to increase their ability to take responsibility:

  • Children need to be aware of the importance of working hard on tasks and responsibilities. The child needs to train the skills needed to perform a specific task. "Try again and again" - these words should become one of the mottos of your family.
  • Obligation when performing tasks. Children must learn to complete homework or homework to the end. Help your child understand that the process is just as important as the end result.
  • Decision-making. Give alternatives and help children prioritize their decisions. Start teaching them this at an early age so that when children grow up, they can determine the validity of their decisions and feel the benefits or consequences of their choices.
  • When children are internally motivated, they aim to complete tasks without the need for additional guidance and prompting. If children are motivated only by external factors, such as money or reward, they will behave responsibly just to get it, and will not be able to behave responsibly when there is no reward. Instill in children an important understanding of what it takes to be responsible because it is a duty and a privilege, not because it can be rewarded.
  • Time management (time management). Children may have difficulty planning time for household chores and tasks. Parents can teach their children to use a diary and make a schedule. Review the events of the day, help the children make a plan for completing the tasks and assess whether their responsibilities have been completed on time.
  • Hold regular family gatherings for household chores. Let each child speak; everyone should listen carefully when each family member talks about their tasks, successes and mistakes. Have the child talk about how he or she has been able to demonstrate responsibility.

What can parents do to teach a child to be responsible?

Be an example. When children see that you take responsibility, take care of others, keep up with everything on time, keep your promises, do not apologize and do not blame others for their mistakes, they learn about the benefits of a reliable person. Children are more likely to imitate responsibility when they see specific examples, rather than simply hearing their parents tell them to be responsible. Remember that your example will have long-term consequences.

Tell us about responsible actions. Take time each day to talk to your child about the events of the day, periodically discuss responsible behavior. Discuss a specific example of people your children know, how they acted responsibly, and what personal and social benefits they have achieved through their behavior.

Explain what behavior is irresponsible. When you make a mistake, acknowledge it, and let your child know that you too must learn from your mistakes and strive to be more responsible in the future. Similarly, when your child makes mistakes,

Let her take responsibility for it. Give an example of how people behave irresponsibly and discuss the negative consequences they face because of their negative choices. Such conversations teach children that being irresponsible is bad. When children see how irresponsible behavior affects their lives and the lives of others, they begin to realize that it will be better for everyone if everyone makes wise decisions and behaves honestly.

Use story characters. Use literature to convey important lessons in responsible behavior and other character traits allows children to express their feelings about a character's actions or behavior, gives them the opportunity to compare themselves with him, to take his place, to find a way out of different situations in which he finds himself, and to understand how the character's experience affects his own life. When a child reads about a character who is behaving responsibly or irresponsibly, ask if they understand why the character is behaving this way and not the other way around.

How does developing responsibility help children learn?

Children are enriched by the experience of learning to be responsible. At home, they feel more part of the family when they are involved in household chores that help the whole family. They also feel a sense of accomplishment in school when they take responsibility for certain tasks and cope well with them. When children act responsibly, their organizational skills improve both at home and at school. Honest students understand that they are responsible for their learning and reaching the limits of their capabilities. An internal reward for a job well done will motivate your children to do other tasks at home and in the classroom. Their self-esteem will grow due to their chances of success.

If children practice responsible behavior, they begin to consider themselves worthy and reliable, which contributes to the development of their sense of uniqueness. Responsibility and productivity help children feel important. Our children must develop a deep sense of responsibility in order to be successful, reliable citizens and to confidently solve any problems in their lives.