Reduce weight by 20 percent
obese people and could play a key role in reducing the effects of diseases in the UK, such as COVID -19. Reduce weight by 20 percent.

The results of a large international study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine are hailed as a "breakthrough player" in improving the health of obese people and could play a key role in reducing the effects of diseases in the UK, such as COVID -19. Reduce weight by 20 percent.
The drug semaglutide hijacks the brain's own appetite-regulating system and causes a reduction in hunger and calorie intake.
Rachel Butterham, professor of obesity, diabetes and endocrinology, director of the UCL Center for Obesity Research and the UCLH Center for Weight Management, was the lead author of the article, which was attended by nearly 2,000 people in 16 countries.
Professor Butterham (UCL Medicine) said, "The results of this study represent an important breakthrough in improving the health of overweight people. Three quarters (75%) of people who received 2.4 mg of semaglutide lost more than 10% of their body weight. more than a third have lost more than 20%. No other drug achieves this level of weight loss - this is really the player. For the first time through drugs, people can achieve what only weight loss surgery can. ""
Professor Butterham added, "The health effects of obesity are heavily focused by COVID-19, where obesity significantly increases the risk of death from the virus as well as the risk of very serious life-threatening diseases, including heart disease. Type 2 diabetes, liver disease and some cancers. . This drug could have a significant impact on UK health policy in the coming years. "
The average participant in the process lost 15.3 kg (nearly 3 stones); It has been associated with reduced risk factors for heart disease and diabetes, such as: B. waist circumference, blood fats, blood sugar and blood pressure, and reported improvements in their general quality of life.
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Leading British researcher, Professor John Wilding (University of Liverpool), said: "This is a major advance in the treatment of obesity. Semaglutide has been approved and used clinically at a lower dose to treat diabetes, just as doctors are now familiar with its uses, which are what it is. very interesting to me because I was involved in the early studies of GLP1 (when I was working at Hammersmith Hospital in the 1990s, we were the first to show in laboratory research that GLP1 affects appetite) So it's good to make it an effective treatment for people. fat. "
With the results of this study, semaglutide was submitted for regulatory approval by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of obesity.
About the process
The randomized controlled phase III “STEP * of the study included 1,961 overweight or obese adults (mean weight 105 kg / 16.5 stones; body mass index 38 kg / m2) and at 129 sites in 16 countries. in Asia and Europe, North America and South America.
Participants received a semaglutide dose of 2.4 mg (or the placebo equivalent) weekly by subcutaneous injection; Similar to injecting insulin into a person with diabetes. Overall, 94.3% of participants completed the 68-week study, which began in the fall of 2018.
Participants also received one-on-one interviews with a registered dietitian every four weeks to help them adhere to a low-calorie diet with increased physical activity and provide guidance, behavioral strategies, and motivation. In addition, participants receive incentives such as a bell or food scale to mark important progress and achievements.
Those taking semaglutide experienced a mean weight loss of 15.3 kg (nearly three stones) with a decrease in BMI of -5.54. The placebo group experienced a mean weight loss of 2.6 kg (0.4 stone) with a decrease in BMI of -0.92.
Those taking semaglutide also noticed a reduction in risk factors for heart disease and diabetes such as waist size, blood fat, blood sugar, and blood pressure, and reported improvements in their overall quality of life.
About that drug
Semaglutide is clinically approved for use in patients with type 2 diabetes, although it is usually prescribed in doses much lower than 1 mg.
The drug has compounds that are structurally similar to (and mimic) the human hormone glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that is released into the bloodstream from the gut after eating.
GLP-1 causes weight loss by reducing hunger and increasing satiety, thereby helping people eat less and reduce calorie intake.
While the STEP study through Phase I and II trials evaluated 2.4 mg doses for safety, some participants in the Phase III study reported drug side effects, including mild to moderate nausea and diarrhea, were temporary and generally allowed no permanent side effects. study discontinuation effect.
The international study was funded by the pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk. Reuters