School charter - what is it and what does it contain?
The school charter is a document that contains information on all areas of the institution's activities. You can find it there.

The school charter is a document that contains information on all areas of the institution's activities. You can find there, among others a chapter on the rights and obligations of students. As well as the system of punishments and rewards functioning in the school. Check what other issues are included in the content of the school statute. And find out what penalties may be imposed for breaking it.
What is the school statute?
The school statute is the most important document that internally regulates the life of the institution, and also defines its goals and tasks as well as the manner of their implementation. The statute also includes the principles of the school assessment system, the tasks of teaching teams, forms of assistance and care for students who need it, forms of cooperation with institutions providing specialist help and counseling for children (including employees of psychological and pedagogical counseling centers) and the principles of cooperation bodies such as the headmaster, school council, pedagogical council, parents' council,,,, and student council.
how the day-care center?
In addition, you can find information on how the day-care center, boarding school,,,, or library is operated by the facility or the rules of conduct in the event of failure by a student to pass the exam in compulsory education. One of the most important chapters of the school statute is the one about the rights and obligations of students, as well as the system of penalties and rewards functioning in the institution.
It is the principal's responsibility to ensure that the school statutes are generally available to students, parents / legal guardians,,,, and school staff.
Who adopts the school's statutes?
The first statute is given by the person or body who establishes the facility. Then, it is sent to the competent school superintendent or other body supervising the school (in the case of an artistic establishment it will be the minister for culture and protection of national heritage), who checks its compliance with the law.
When can the school statute change?
Changes to the school statute can be introduced in several different situations, resulting from the internal needs of the institution. These include, for example, changing the name or patron of the school, changes in the specificity of the school or institution, the need to introduce new organizational solutions in the functioning of the school community, the need to repeal incorrect regulations, introducing the rules of dressing students at school, organizing a kindergarten department, launching a school canteen, introducing additional educational activities.
Teaching council
An application for changes to the school statute may submite the teaching council. The prepared project presents to the school council, which consists of at least six people selected in equal numbers from among the teachers, all students,,,, and all parents of the students. In institutions where the school council has not established, the teacher's council is responsible for adopting changes to the content of the existing statute. The resolution must prepare following the rules of the legislative art.
What should the school statute contain?
- The name and type of school and its seat. And if it is part of a school complex. Also the name of this team;
- Name of the school, if given;
- The name and seat of the school authority;
- goals and tasks of the school resulting from legal regulations and the manner of their implementation, including in the field of providing psychological and pedagogical assistance, organizing care for children with disabilities, enabling students to maintain a sense of national, ethnic, linguistic,,,, and religious identity, taking into account safety rules and the principles of promotion and health protection;
- School bodies and their specific competencies, as well as detailed conditions of cooperation between school bodies and the manner of resolving disputes between them;
Organization of team management
- Organization of school work, including the organization of sports departments, sports championships, bilinguals, military preparation, integration, special and entrance classes referred to in art. 25 sec. 3, taking into account the organization of teaching and assessment in these classes, and the organization of teaching the language of national minorities, ethnic minorities,,,, or a regional language, if the school conducts such departments or teaching, the organization of early support for the development of children, if the school conducts such support, as well as rehabilitation and revalidation classes. educational, if the school runs such classes;
- The scope of teachers' tasks, including the tutor teacher and librarian, and other school employees, including tasks related to ensuring the safety of students during classes organized by the school, as well as the manner and forms of performing these tasks adapted to the age and needs of students and environmental conditions schools;
- The name of the profession or professions in which the school is educating - in the case of a school providing vocational training;
- Detailed organization of the practical apprenticeship - in the case of a vocational school;
- An organization of educational activities as part of vocational education - in the case of a school providing vocational training;
- Organization of school workshops, in particular practical exercises. Simulation studios and school workshops for the implementation of practical classes. If the school has such studios and workshops;
- Organization of additional classes for students, increasing the chances of their employment if the school conducts such classes;
- The organization of general and vocational education in the case of juvenile employees. In the case of a school providing vocational training;
- Determination of the form of education - in the case of schools for adults, second-cycle industry schools,,,, and artical-secondary schools;
- Organization of an in-school vocational counseling system, except an art school;
Rights and obligations
- The rights and obligations of students. Including cases in which a student may remove from the list of students of the school. As well as the procedure for submitting complaints in the event of a violation of the student's rights;
- Types of awards and the conditions for granting them to students and the procedure for raising objections to the award;
- Types of penalties applied to students and the procedure for appealing against the penalty;
- How to organize and implement volunteering activities;
- Forms of care and assistance for students who need help and support for developmental, family,,,, or random reasons;
An organization of the school
- An organization of the school library as well as the conditions and scope of cooperation of the school library with students, teachers, parents,,,, and other libraries;
- Organization of a boarding school, if it has organized at school;
- Organization of a day-care center taking into account the conditions of the comprehensive development of the student
- Conditions for the use of the school banner, school emblem,,,, and school ceremony, if established.
In the case of a school for children and adolescents, the statute also specifies:
- Organization of cooperation with psychological and pedagogical counseling centers. And other institutions working for the benefit of the family, children,,,, and youth;
- Organization and forms of cooperation between the school and parents in the field of teaching, upbringing, care,,,, and prevention;
- The organization of cooperation with associations or other organizations in the field of innovative activities.
In the case of a school for children and adolescents. The goals and tasks of the school specified in the statute take into account. The educational and preventive program of the school.