Sensitivity - Value or a Curse?

Sensitivity - Value or a Curse?
Sensitivity - Value or a Curse?

Sensitivity is an innate ability and can be seen in very young children. For many it is associated with fragility and weakness. Highly sensitive children have a rich inner life, but also an extremely sensitive nervous system. Despite all its delicacy, high sensitivity under favorable circumstances provides children with many opportunities for development. It releases their natural potential, creativity and is the key to a full, joyful life. Therefore, let's make space for the uniqueness of our children.

Sensitivity changes everything ... how we live, how we experience and what kind of adults we are.

What distinguishes high sensitivity

The depth of information processing, susceptibility to overstimulation, strong emotional reactions and the ability to sense subtleties indicate the richness of experiences of highly sensitive children. They have an extremely sensitive nervous system, which is why they feel overload much faster. An excess of thoughts, emotions, experiences and even relationships can be a challenge. That is why it is important to take care of silencing emotions and limiting stimuli. With support and mindfulness, we can provide highly sensitive children with a strong foundation for optimal development.

High sensitivity in practice

The popularity of the term sensitivity in recent years has contributed to a better understanding of the functioning of highly sensitive people. Thanks to this, we can get to know the world of children's inner sensations and emotionality. This knowledge also enables us adults to create space for their growth. Being an exceptionally emotional child has many limitations, but it can be an amazing value.

One that determines the creation of deep and honest relationships with others. A value that allows you to get to know the world through the prism of intense feelings and full commitment.

It is estimated that every fifth person in the world displays the features of WWO - highly sensitive people. This shows that the delicacy of the nervous system, although it does not match the requirements of today's world, is normal and needs special care. The practical dimension of sensitivity relates to a world filled with emotions, the intensity of sensations, the depth of processing information and stimuli. Highly sensitive children have a rich inner life. Pictures, thoughts, words, reactions of others - everything is alive. Sometimes a small impulse can be the beginning of great sensations. On the one hand, they perceive much stronger and stronger, on the other hand, the subtle nervous system is quickly overloaded.

Understanding sensitivity

It is a luxury to be understood.

High sensitivity is often interpreted as shyness, withdrawn or timid. Meanwhile, these concepts are a manifestation of behavior that can manifest itself in vulnerable children as a result of experiencing stressful situations, if they do not receive appropriate support and acceptance. Sensitive children cautiously enter into relationships, they also choose their friends carefully. New situations and changes most often bring about anxiety and stress. A slight stimulus can provoke a strong reaction and, consequently, openness to wounds. This means that in unfavorable circumstances, such as a conflict, they react more strongly. They may cry or withdraw completely. However, in natural, balanced conditions, in a calm and serene environment, they fully develop their unique possibilities. They experience deep joy and a firm sense of the meaning of existence.

Must Read: Responsibility €œ how to teach and when to start?

The world through the eyes of highly sensitive children

Isn't that weird? We only see what is outside of us, and almost everything happens within us.

  • I perceive more stimuli and analyze them thoroughly (hug, gestures, facial expressions, smell, noise).
  • I can sense the atmosphere in the classroom / at home.
  • Sometimes I think you believe in me more than I believe in myself.
  • I have a rich imagination and I love to create scenarios in my mind.
  • The avalanche of thoughts, emotions and sensations can make me anxious.
  • I get tired quickly with an excess of impressions, it overwhelms me.
  • Usually I don't like changes and surprises - I don't feel confident then.
  • I am worried more than my colleagues, I am experiencing their troubles.
  • When I am happy, I am happy with myself. When I feel sad, so does my whole being.
  • I don't like arguing. Each conflict costs me a lot of energy.
  • Competing with my colleagues causes me stress and throws me off balance.
  • I often feel guilty for other people's events and well-being.
  • I need time to get used to new situations.
  • I need more time to make a decision - I like to analyze everything well.
  • I approach new relationships and experiences with caution.
  • I care about the opinions of others and not to hurt them.
  • I feel the emotions and experiences of my loved ones.
  • I enjoy deep relationships based on trust, peace and acceptance.
  • I need a lot of activity to develop. I find my own inspirations easily.
  • Criticism and judgment cause me a lot of fear.
  • I have the ability to perform tasks that require precision, creation and concentration.
  • I need space to calm down and release strong stimuli.
  • I get nervous when teachers ask me to do too many things at once.
  • I like playing alone or with trusted people. Parties often tire me.

There are so many things to do, people to meet, impressions to experience, love to discover, new experiences to practice - just give me support and acceptance.