Seven vital reasons why you should set goals

meaningless. With a goal in mind, they instead turn into important small pieces of the puzzle. Seven vital reasons why you should set goals.

Seven vital reasons why you should set goals
Seven vital reasons why you should set goals

Nothing happens by chance. Great discoveries and fantastic inventions did not become a reality because people just dreamed, did a little unplanned work or waited for someone else to get to grips with things. Vasco Da Gama, da Vinci, Pasteur and Edison all had one thing in common - a goal. A will and a concrete, elaborated plan. It is only by finding a purpose and then creating a path to a goal that you will succeed in changing something seriously. The fact that chance leads us on the wrong track from time to time does not have to mean anything negative, on the contrary, but without a goal, the coincidences that appear become meaningless. With a goal in mind, they instead turn into important small pieces of the puzzle. Seven vital reasons why you should set goals.

  1. Achieving goals, no matter how big or small, always strengthens self-confidence.
  2. Targeted people feel better. They are happier, healthier and more positive. You will also be when you know what you want and have something concrete to strive for - and not least when you start to realize your goals.

To "just take the day as it comes" is an old stupid philosophy of life. The hip era, however, ended in the 70s. This setting should have done the same.

  1. Lack of time is a recurring explanation for why we do not have time to set any goals. No matter how you turn things around, the day will always have only 24 hours. Have you thought that it is through better planning and by having clear goals that you learn to make better use of time? That's the case anyway!
  2. What matters is not what your goal is. The important thing is that you set one (or more) goals. It is also not so important if you succeed 100% in reaching your goal. It may sound strange, but the most important thing is that you have set a goal that you strive for. Even if you only get halfway there, you have still reached twice as far as if you had not done anything at all!
  3. Setting goals is a fantastically effective way to channel energy. It will be much easier to gather and use your powers if you know what you are striving for.
  4. Many people claim that they do not know what they want. It's just rubbish . Most people know very well what they want or what they want to achieve. To deny it is just an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for one's life. Not taking a stand is the same as taking a stand, because no matter what you do or do not do, you make a choice. Either you choose to believe in yourself or you choose not to believe in yourself. There is no other option. The choice is always inevitable and the choice is always your own.

Pick out paper and pencil

Yes, it may be annoying to hear, but putting your goals into words is incredibly effective. A common reason why many people never get what they want is simply because they forget what they were striving for. That's actually the case. Do not think that you can keep everything you want in your head, because it is not possible. We are incredibly good at overestimating our memory. The brain is bombarded by millions of impressions every second, around the clock. It's easy to get distracted, even if you're purposeful. If the goal is not written down on paper, you can safely expect that the details will soon be relaxed. Time is also ruthless in our memory. It bleaches even the most wonderful of memories. Horrible, but true.

  1. Many people agree that it is smart to write down important things,

but most still do not have the strength to take it seriously. Do you know why you need to learn to rethink in that case? Because studies have shown that visual memory is superior to our other senses and that we remember 87% of what we read.

  1. What do you want?

In fact, there is nothing stopping you from getting exactly what you want as long as you know what it is you want. Another reason why many people fail to achieve what he or she wants is also that we very often float to the goal. Our dreams and plans are too vague, too indefinable. The result is that they run out into the sand. Therefore, it is important to call exactly what you want.

Must Read: Those who feel good learn better

  1. Is this really what I want?

We change as a person all the time and our goals also change over time. There is nothing strange about that. Be flexible and responsive. It is not a failure to change and change goals. Just make sure that your new goal is as concrete and specific as your old one. Listen to your instincts. Dare to trust your gut feeling. It is frighteningly often proves to be the very best solution.

  1. Is it realistically affordable?

Winston Churchill once said that nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes a little longer. It's a nice attitude to take out into life, but it's just as useful to have a serious thinker sometimes. What does reality look like? Is my goal realistic? Be honest with yourself.

The big mistake most people make is to gape too much at once. Setting too large goals increases the risk of losing focus and losing patience. Then we also become faster at giving up when we start to lose our appetite. The secret to succeeding in achieving your goals is simple. It is about breaking down large goals into smaller sub-goals. It took him two years and the trick was of course to divide the plane into thousands of small pieces and eat a small piece at a time.

It may not be a good example, but you understand the point¦?

What is it that prevents you from having already reached your goal?

Life is like a forest path, full of obstacles. It is just as well to realize that there are difficulties with everything, especially with what you have not yet realized. But who said life should be a prawn sandwich? Think about what this question is really about. Once you know what the obstacles are to reach your goal, you also know what needs to be done to get past them.

  • What do you already have today and what do you need to get that can help you achieve what you want?

What resources do you have (and people around you) that you can use? Are there tools in terms of contacts, knowledge or experiences that you may not have thought of? Sometimes we do not see the forest for just trees. If you are missing some pieces of the puzzle, find out what you can do to get them. Be specific here too. Just having the will and a positive attitude is not enough, because then you would have already reached your goal a long time ago, right? You may need to take a course, further your education, move or start training. The more useful tools you have in the toolbox, the easier it will be to get where you want to go.

  • How can you most easily reach your goal?

What is the first thing you need to do to reach your goal? What is the first step you can take today to get closer? Are there several ways to get started? Which is best? Which is the fastest? Which feels most realistic?

  • What would it mean to you if you really got what you want?

Think about it. How will you or your life change if you reach your goal? To get where you want to go, you must know that your endeavor is worth the effort. This question gives you the answer.

  • What happens when I get what I want?

Use your imagination. Imagine how it feels when you have reached your goal. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? How do other people react? Describe it to yourself in as much detail as you can. If you've got it in your mind, you know you can get there in real life.

What does my plan look like?

Be sure to write it down on paper. Be as detailed as you can. Make sure you always have the plan available. You can have a smaller variant that you always carry with you and a larger set up at home or at work. Set up the plan so that it is impossible for you to miss seeing it.

  • When do you want to achieve your goal?

Set a date for when you start and one for when you want to meet your goal. Make an effort to keep that schedule, but do not get depressed if you encounter obstacles. The perfect schedule does not exist. Rewrite the plan and change direction if necessary, but move forward. Always make sure you have a plan.

  1. What does my plan look like?

Be sure to write it down on paper. Be as detailed as you can. Make sure you always have the plan available. You can have a smaller variant that you always carry with you and a larger set up at home or at work. Set up the plan so that it is impossible for you to miss seeing it.

  • Capture the moment

One of the most important discoveries one can make is to realize that the present is what matters. That we waste an unnecessary amount of time and energy on dwelling on what has been and worrying about what will happen in the future. No matter how much we want to, we cannot affect the past and the future we know nothing about. When setting goals, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that planning is about trying to anticipate events. It may sound contradictory, but by concentrating too much on the future, we often neglect everything that can be done now. Here and now is the only thing you can influence concretely, so be sure to do it too!

  • It is about quality, not quantity

The important thing is not how much you achieve, but how well you do what you do.

  • Determination is the key

Good self-confidence is not enough for things to start happening in your life. Pure determination is also required and it is precisely the willpower that almost always becomes the tongue in cheek and decides whether we get the "thumbs out" or not. If you have suffered from low self-esteem for many years, nothing will change overnight now, but expect a lot of sacrifices on your part - and, above all, determination. You simply have to decide to get a new, better self-confidence!

All decisions we make - and it is also important to decide to gain better self-confidence - are always about weighing pros against cons. It's about finding alternatives. About finding the balance needed to be able to make a decision when we are faced with a decisive moment and deciding what the consequences will be after we have made that decision.

These are the kind of questions we, consciously or unconsciously, always ask ourselves when it comes to making different decisions. Many times these decisions are made instinctively and in a flash, other times we have time to think and consider the consequences in peace and quiet. The first decision that comes to mind is often also the best option, the gut feeling is an incredibly underestimated resource. Dare to trust it more!

Write down at least ten benefits that you can take advantage of if you had better self-confidence. It can be about everything from work and family to your own dreams and hopes. How will your new self-confidence affect the changes you want to make? In what way will you influence your surroundings with a better self-esteem and a greater self-insight?

Also write down at least ten reasons why you cannot just continue to torment yourself with such a lousy self-confidence. What will you lose or lose by not daring to change?