Should we cut trees or grow them?
of debate and whether it is okay for humanity to keep cutting down trees rather than grow them. Should we cut trees or grow them.

Trees are a pivotal part of the modern-day ecosystem or any kind of environment in general. Recently, they have put into the spotlight as deforestation is taking place around the world. Trees provide the world with a valuable supply, Oxygen. Moreover, they aid in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere which is one of the four major gases that contribute to the rise in global temperatures also known as global warming. Because of this, they have been constantly been a topic of debate and whether it is okay for humanity to keep cutting down trees rather than grow them. Should we cut trees or grow them.
Most researchers and scientists would conclude that it is never okay to cut trees without planting a new one. As the population of trees around the world decreases, there is a higher chance of floods, rise in temperatures and general inconsistencies in the climate to spark up over time. As carbon dioxide levels increase, the air quality around the world will reduce which will lead to breathing issues and other diseases becoming quite rampant due to toxic and poisonous gases not being soaked in by trees.
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Moreover, trees provide a valuable habitat for animals around the world. Rich luscious jungles are places where many species of animals are currently living. If those trees are cut down, then those animals will either die of starvation due to a lack of a proper food supply or will start moving towards cities and urban villages which will lead to widespread panic and those animals will be swiftly dealt with contributing to the destruction of wildlife as well. Mother Nature has put in a very delicate balance of how the jungles and trees and ecosystem synergize together to sustain themselves and keep the planet at a stable temperature.
If these trees are tampered with and cut down at the same rate they are right now, we can expect that eventually we will have to suffer immense consequences of our actions and humanity and both wildlife will suffer huge blows in terms of their habitat and living conditions.