Social changes taking place with adolescents
be extremely confusing for a child and, as a result, push him to irrational actions. Social changes taking place with adolescents.

Puberty is the time of transition from childhood to adulthood. During this period, the child experiences emotional upheaval and physical changes. She is not an adult yet, but she should not be called a child. Puberty can be extremely confusing for a child and, as a result, push him to irrational actions. Social changes taking place with adolescents.
As a parent, you will always want to find out how your child is feeling and help them. It will be easier for you to achieve this, knowing what social changes are happening to her.
Social changes during puberty
Consider the most important social changes experienced by boys and girls of puberty.
- Search for your own identity
- Puberty is often too confusing for a child: she is unable to understand the world of adults and apply her previous childhood experiences. Therefore, it is still difficult for her to understand who she really is: an adult or a child;
- The child will try to understand how the world of adults is arranged and how he should behave in different situations;
- If you treat her like a child, she will find it offensive. If you treat her like an adult and demand appropriate behavior, she may think you are restricting her and refuse to follow the rules;
- Trying to find himself, the child will take on more and more responsibility. And she will not always be able to cope with this task. This is one of the most common social changes during puberty.
Tips for parents
Treat the child as a person who combines the features of an adult and a child. Make sure you give her the love and attention that all children need, but also give her more independence and responsibility.
- Problems with self-esteem
- During puberty the child makes many new friends. She compares herself to the new people she meets in life;
- New responsibilities and changes that occur with the child confuse him. This leads her to think about whether she is capable of making informed decisions and whether she is strong enough;
- During this period it is important for the child to demonstrate the strength of his character in the presence of friends and peers. Confusion in the mind and bodily changes make teenagers doubt themselves, creating a negative image of their own "I".
Tips for parents
Make sure that you support the child in all his affairs, and not only in words but also in actions. Show your child that you believe in her strength, that you are ready to help her if she needs it. Let your child know that you love and trust her, no matter what happens to her.
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- Risk of dangerous behavior
- The child experiences many changes, and this often leads to conflicts. The teenager will always resist the rules to assert his independence;
- The child's need for freedom and the desire to prove to the world his adulthood can have a negative impact on the child;
- Teenagers constantly need new sensations and impressions. Your child may find himself in bad company, and his new friends may not be the best example to follow;
- Adolescents during this period seek new experiences related to smoking, alcohol use, and sexual experiences. Even if you have already talked to your child about these topics, you should not rule out the possibility that he will be influenced by friends. You need to be extremely careful not to do this.
Tips for parents
Do not read notations to a child in the presence of her friends, as this will make her break the rules even more. If you do not like your child's company, talk about it calmly, without moralizing. If you suspect that your child is in danger or may become addicted, consult a specialist.
- Depression and suicidal thoughts
- During puberty, a child can experience a range of different emotions, in particular, it is not excluded depression of varying severity. Many children are able to cope with depression on their own, relying on the love and support of family and friends. However, some adolescents who need severe depression need professional help;
- Teenagers feel sad and unhappy at the slightest. The child often does not understand what makes him unhappy, without imagining how to get rid of this feeling;
- Puberty is not only a physical and mental change, but also an important period in learning, which is the cause of additional stress in the child. In the future, this situation can lead to depression;
- Teenagers strive to surpass their peers in everything, including education. It is a step towards stress and anxiety. At this age, the child first encounters many new phenomena in his life: communicates with many new people, actively interacts with the opposite sex, feels sexual desire, tries to create and maintain a positive image. All this and much more can cause her stress;
- It is important for parents to pay attention to the manifestations of depression in adolescents. Particular attention should be paid to the damage that the child inflicts on himself. The most common symptoms of depression are unreasonable sadness, feelings of uselessness, low self-esteem, and so on. Also, the child may not show interest in the activities he loved before, avoid contact with friends and family, miss classes or do not go to school at all. She has problems with learning and difficulty concentrating.
Tips for parents
If you notice any of these symptoms in your child, talk to her and ask how she is feeling. Show that her feelings are important to you, and therefore you will not condemn her in any way. Tell your child about similar events you experienced as a teenager, as well as how you coped with your feelings. If you are unable to help your child, consult a specialist. Depression is a dangerous feeling that needs to be addressed immediately.
Puberty is always associated with change, so do not worry when you see changes in the social life of the child. Be there, show your love and support to your child and take care of his safety.