Student maladaptation: what to do when student behavior is not acceptable
Some have ideal behavior, while others systematically violate the rules of discipline. Student maladaptation.

Student maladaptation
Tips for a teacher-practitioner on how to recognize a student's maladaptation and help reduce its manifestations. All children are different; everyone has their own temperament, character, the pace of development, interests. Some children find it easy to learn, others have to work harder. Some have ideal behavior, while others systematically violate the rules of discipline. Student maladaptation.
Every teacher can remember at least one student in the class who constantly violates the rules of conduct at school. This can be manifested in any way:
- The student shouts in class;
- Distracts others;
- Played with school supplies;
- Constantly moves his fingers, does not let out of the palms of small objects, toys;
- Constantly needs the attention of the environment (teachers and students) to himself, as if subconsciously wants to be at the center of events.
Or among the students there is a child about whom we can say:
- Lags behind the program;
- Gets tired quickly;
- Has a high level of anxiety, irritability, and anxiety;
- This child has a noticeable decline in inefficiency at the end of the day.
All these are components that make it clear to an experienced teacher that the child is maladapted.
The external signs of maladaptation in the team include:
- Increased fatigue;
- Irritability;
- Outbursts of anger;
- Isolation;
- Poor performance;
- Aggression or, conversely, excessive shyness;
- Increased anxiety;
- Low self-esteem.
Effect of Attitude
It is clear that such behavior is not accidental, and it is necessary to analyze its probable causes:
- The negative attitude of parents to school. For example, at home, parents constantly criticize the school education system, express dissatisfaction with the work of the educational institution. They give a subjective negative assessment to teachers. In such situations, the authority of the teacher in the eyes of the child will fall significantly, respect for school and the educational process, in general, will disappear.
- Parents' indifference to the child's success. No matter how responsible and obedient a child is, it is a child. She needs parental attention and adult help, especially in the first years of school. The child must be psychologically protected, understand that his school life is of interest to the family, and in case of failure, adults will always come to the rescue.
Sometimes a student needs to do development, complete a creative task, solve a riddle or crossword puzzle, but without the support of parents, the child's passion and enthusiasm will fade.
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- Unformed productive forms of communication with peers, and, accordingly, communication difficulties. If you teach students to interact effectively, engage in useful classroom activities (water flowers, wash the board, bring chalk, etc.), they will begin to feel part of the team. And if you, as a teacher, will also praise and support personal initiatives, the result will not be delayed.
Nowadays, there is an incredible number of games that students love to play during the break. In this way, they meet the needs of communication and communication, and if the game is mobile - then a little physical activity is added, which helps to relax and systematize thoughts.
- Heavy load. Every family strives for the best for their child, which is why it often happens that a student attends two or three more clubs after school, and on weekends actively rests with the family outside the city, in parks or entertainment centers. The child likes the constant change of actions and locations, but at the same time, it is an incredible physical and emotional load. Therefore, if the maladaptation of behavior is observed in a child with an active rhythm of life, it is worth asking the family to develop a regime of day and rest that will correspond to the age characteristics of the child.
How to help reduce the manifestations of maladaptation?
Invite parents for an individual conversation. It is not necessary to hold it in whispers and in a hurry after the general parent meeting. Take an hour of your time after school. Communicate, explain the situation, make it clear to the parents that you are excited, and plan to work together to help the child better adapt to the team and maximize the learning material during the educational process. Offer your help, advise a school psychologist.
Teacher's role
When a teacher starts working with a new student body, be sure to ask parents to fill out an information card in which parents will write the most important and valuable information about their children. For example, they will indicate the psycho type, behavioral characteristics, you will find out whether the child needs constant stimulation of action or contact, how to establish relationships with others outside the educational institution, and so on.
There are no situations that cannot solve. The main thing is not to stay away, not to be indifferent to the environment and your students.