Studying at night - does it make sense?
to go to sleep, read some of our tips that will help you get through the entire material without blinking an eye! Studying at night.

Hectoliters of coffee or strong tea and learning all night long - this scenario is known to every student, listener or student. Learning at night is certainly not for everyone, and some of us can do more harm than good. If you have many hours of intensive study and you don't intend to go to sleep, read some of our tips that will help you get through the entire material without blinking an eye! Studying at night.
Is it worth studying at night?
Is it worth studying at night? Everyone who went to school tried to answer this question at least once. We do not judge anyone and we believe that sometimes there will simply be insufficient time to learn each subject - especially during the session, when there are even several exams during one day. If you have no choice but to study at night, check what you can do to prevent your hard work from being wasted!
Effective learning at night - true or false?
We have already mentioned studying at night in the five most common mistakes when studying for an exam. Sleep is one of the most important elements in the process of assimilating information. After a good night's sleep, our concentration and creativity increase, we are able to recall the previously remembered messages, and we understand them better. It is not for nothing that before the exam, it is recommended to have at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Effective learning at night is, of course, possible and many students who have successfully passed the difficult test after cramming all night have found out about it. However, not everyone is so lucky - some students may develop very unpleasant symptoms of sleep deprivation in the form of difficulty concentrating, changes in the perception of senses, deterioration of mood or sensitivity to color, light and sound stimuli. Does studying at night make sense? We won't answer that question, but if you have no other choice, it's definitely worth a try.
Learning at night - how to stay awake?
Study better at night or in the morning? It depends on the individual predispositions of each person. Not everyone has enough motivation to get up at dawn and sit down to read books right away. Studying at night can have its benefits. Some students and learners may focus on studying only at night, because then they have the most peace and quiet. However, remember that such a solution should be sporadic! Especially since sleep and science are closely related. If you're going to be late for the night, use our tips to survive several hours of intensive cramming:
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- Drinks - the student lives not only with coffee. If you want to stay sound-minded, you should stay hydrated - drink at least half a glass of water every hour. Of course, you will also need a dose of caffeine a little black or strong tea will certainly suffice. What about energy drinks? Due to the very large amount of sugar, they are not indifferent to your health. What's more, the sugar injection works very shortly - after 60 minutes after drinking the energetic, we start to feel tired. If you want to energize yourself to study the night before the exam, go for healthy snacks;
- Snacks - a great idea for a little hunger are dried fruit, seeds and nuts - for example, dried apricots, cranberries, dates, exotic fruits (mango, papaya), hazelnuts, Brazil, Italian, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. They are very caloric, so you do not need to eat a lot of them to feel the surge of energy and satiety. If the study takes many hours, also prepare healthy sandwiches;
- Breaks - taking short breaks is very important in the process of assimilating information. The most recommended system is one five-minute break in every half hour of study. But remember not to reach for the phone during this time - the risk of losing track of time while browsing social media is too great! Ideally, take the break for a few exercises;
- Exercise - If you're going to make sense of studying at night, you need to learn to combat sleepiness. A crisis and a desire to go to bed may take several hours or fifteen minutes to appear. For this reason, it is worth getting up from your desk from time to time and moving around, e.g. doing a few squats, jumping jacks or jogging in place;
- Music - music should not be forgotten by those students who are doomed to study at night. How to stay awake and at the same time stay focused? We advise you not to choose your favorite CD to dance or sing to. It is best to choose calm and pleasant songs without words.