Superior University Collaboration with Coursera under Rectorsâ„¢ Faculty Development Program

Superior University is a hub of Innovation and creativity where the faculty development is ensured, and the students„¢ academic excellence is a top priority. The university has taken another bold step in having a collaborative learning agreement with the world renowned Coursera program. This new collaboration is an initiative which is taken for the benefit and upgradation of skills set of the faculty members, under the supervision of the University Rector Dr. Sumaria Rehman. The Coursera offers thousands of courses from the most reputed universities of the world.

Rector Vision

The Rector Superior University Dr. Sumaira Rehman vision is to provide a transformative learning experience that empowers the university to offer high-quality, job-relevant online education to faculty and students. The Rectors„¢ Faculty Development Program is a process of improvising the updated skills and educational profile of the faculty members. It will definitely allow the faculty to be familiar with what happening new in their subject matter, and at the same time they will be able to educate the students with updated researches and intellectual contributions in different subjects from all around the globe. The reputed universities like the Yale University, University of Michigan, IBM, Google, University of London, Illinois, Princeton, Johns Hopkins University and lots more are out here to serve.

Development of Highly Skilled Faculty

The faculty members will be able to grasp the information, certification and courses and can correspond with masters of their domain through virtual connections. The recent pandemic has changed the overall psyche of the world and the online mediums are top priority in every field, especially for the educational sector, it is a must thing now. The Rector Dr. Sumaira Rehman visualize the whole process as a new learning scope that will benefit the faculty members, as they will be equipped with best techniques and recent researches in their fields through this program. The students will obviously have an edge to the others, with a better understanding of their course works, and with the attainment of most modern set of knowledge from their mentors.

Must Read: Soft skills why they should be developed

Faculty will facilitate the Students in a Better Way

When the faculty members are well equipped with latest teaching and training modules then the mentoring of the students will definitely be done in a diversified and best manner. These courses will facilitate the faculty members to maintain their competitive edge, through an access to a world-class learning program. These mentors will help the students of the Superior University, to learn the new skills which will make them job ready of course. The faculty broad vision and knowledge will definitely nourish the nurturing minds, and that the real reason for joining the program. The Rector Superior University Dr. Sumaira Rehman says “Faculty grooming means an investment into student learning growth, and then leading the youth to the new ladders of success as a matter of fact.

Career Growth for Everyone!

Superior and off course the accredited certifications from the world leading educational institutions, and from top notch mentors will groom everyone who acquires the Coursera program. The industry requires the highly advanced skills that project based researches can lead the youth into. With the ease of access to the instructors and institutions through emails and mobile apps will also lead towards a better learning process, and later developing a new level of market value for each member. The great benefits are on the way as the new learning horizons are here, in fact the upcoming generation will eventually be benefitted from the skilled and learned faculty members at the Superior University¦!!