Tag: Frustration

Setting goals and implementing them step by step

Setting goals and implementing them step by step

is a chance to achieve our goals. Check how to do it right and enjoy success in ...

Boredom - Why Is It Important and Needed?

Boredom - Why Is It Important and Needed?

child is bored, the parent usually hears the words I have nothing to do .... How...

Adults also have tantrums

Adults also have tantrums

Adults can also have tantrums, especially when they are overwhelmed by emotions ...

Sleep deficiencies - how do they affect the teenager's body?

Sleep deficiencies - how do they affect the teenager's ...

being an owl is caused by a disturbed circadian rhythm. What is it and how does ...


Techniques for teaching 6-year-olds to manage their emo...

This time we focus on how to teach 6-year-olds to manage their emotions. Techniq...