Tag: Researchers

Human's Capability to Walk with Balance: Genes Unveiled

Human's Capability to Walk with Balance: Genes Unveiled

New York: Scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries about genes that besto...

The experiment proved that ultrasound can be used to treat mental disorders

The experiment proved that ultrasound can be used to tr...

Imagine taking an exam and thinking that your success depends on the socks you w...

Study finds community policing has potential but needs reforms to have impact in the global south

Study finds community policing has potential but needs ...

Development and Economic Alternatives Study finds community policing has potenti...

Tech & Telecom
Cyberattacks the main problem of the Internet of Things

Cyberattacks the main problem of the Internet of Things

the Internet of Things in smart buildings. The report says that even though ever...

Effects of exercise on the brain

Effects of exercise on the brain

skills through exercise because most people start experiencing the syndrome of b...