Tag: Scientists
The experiment proved that ultrasound can be used to tr...
Imagine taking an exam and thinking that your success depends on the socks you w...
A world without plastic - why we should limit its use
It seems that such a widespread raw material cannot do any harm. However, it is ...
The impact of information technologies on child health
The negative impact of modern information space on the mental and physical healt...
The asthma vaccine has been shown to be effective in ex...
shared the results in the journal Nature Communications. The asthma vaccine has ...
Everything you need to know about the last Sorj Garn
especially if you are in the Northern Hemisphere further away from the equator. ...
Are brain scans even accurate?
looked at papers that showed different links between brain activity and differen...
Indonesian Volcano Suddenly Shows Signs of Activity
there has been no damage from the eruption, and everyone evacuated the area safe...
Scientists capture a lucky image of Jupiter
this image is amongst the sharpest explanations of the planet that had ever been...