Tag: Stress

Professional burnout in teachers: causes and methods of recovery

Professional burnout in teachers: causes and methods of...

Financial difficulties, difficult students, chronic sleep deprivation, lag behin...

How to Deal with Stress as a Medical Student

How to Deal with Stress as a Medical Student

College of Osteopathic Medicine said it's imperative that mental illness be disc...

Migraine in children and adolescents - causes, symptoms and treatment

Migraine in children and adolescents - causes, symptoms...

does not pose a serious threat to health and life, it causes a lot of suffering ...

Stress before the exam? You can master it!

Stress before the exam? You can master it!

impression of a total lack of knowledge. Therefore, it is good to find out what ...

Progressive muscle relaxation - a cure for anxiety and stress

Progressive muscle relaxation - a cure for anxiety and ...

One of the most common side effects of a busy life is muscle relaxation. This ca...