Tag: Symptoms

Stress in a child - how to deal with it?

Stress in a child - how to deal with it?

Stressful situations affect all of us, regardless of age. Increasingly, stress-r...

Professional burnout in teachers: causes and methods of recovery

Professional burnout in teachers: causes and methods of...

Financial difficulties, difficult students, chronic sleep deprivation, lag behin...

Depression “ What it is, Symptoms, Treatment Who Gets Depressed?

Depression “ What it is, Symptoms, Treatment Who Gets...

people with depression - not only from your closest circle! Depression“ What it ...

Migraine in children and adolescents - causes, symptoms and treatment

Migraine in children and adolescents - causes, symptoms...

does not pose a serious threat to health and life, it causes a lot of suffering ...

Intellectual disability and the scale of its severity

Intellectual disability and the scale of its severity

that intellectual disability is divided into four subcategories? In this article...

Gluten intolerance in children - the most important symptoms

Gluten intolerance in children - the most important sym...

Gluten intolerance in children can produce symptoms similar to problems with the...

What is Brain Fog and why can it have serious consequences for our health?

What is Brain Fog and why can it have serious consequen...

If you feel like your mind is extremely tired, you probably have various Brain F...

What is it like to live with misophony?

What is it like to live with misophony?

do not use appropriate strategies to deal with them. This rare problem is not ev...

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Do children suffer from insomnia?

Do children suffer from insomnia?

Among other parents often forget is that the signs might indicate the lack of sl...