Take a break from the computer: 5 tips to help you feel better
dedicate ourselves to work and teach students well? And if both teachers and students are tired. Take a break from the computer.

Preparing for lessons, organizing blended learning, conducting offline and online classes, pedrada, and then again preparing for lessons ... And almost all this time you spend on the computer! And how not to get tired here? And when we are tired, can we fully dedicate ourselves to work and teach students well? And if both teachers and students are tired. Take a break from the computer.
Working on a computer is simple only at first glance. In fact, it requires a lot of effort and takes a lot of energy. So it is not surprising that humanity is currently shocked syndrome of "computer fatigue". How to get rid of it yourself and help students? We have some tips!
Get comfortable
The correct location of the computer can change everything! Don't forget about the distance from the eyes to the monitor of 60 cm, and for convenience, position the screen so that you can look at it from top to bottom. And so that you are not disturbed by glare, do not sit in front of the window and place the monitor so that sunlight does not fall on it. Do you work in the evening? Place a lamp or other light source behind the computer so that the beam falls on you and not on the screen.
Adjust Zoom
Undoubtedly, in the spring Zoom became a real magic wand for thousands of teachers, thanks to it it was possible to conduct many online lessons, pedradas and even the last two bells. But how difficult it is with him! However, you can always customize the program for yourself.
- If one of the children answers a question or makes a report, choose Speaker View instead of Gallery View. This way, you can focus on students who are responsible and not be distracted by others.
- Mute the microphone. This will allow you not to be distracted by extraneous noise (there are enough of them in your room, you should not add a background from the students' apartments) and focus on teaching.
- Set a common background for everyone. Both teachers and children liked this Zoom feature. And it is really convenient, especially when you need to urgently hide the mess in the background. But if they change and distract every minute, they become an additional source of stress. So just agree with the children on the general background. It is desirable to choose the simplest.
- Use the negotiation function. With their help you will be able to divide the meeting into 50 separate sessions. This is an incredibly convenient option for group work.
Must Read: The art of teaching: what we were not taught at university
Take breaks
Yes, of course, you want to have time for everything and even more. But will you be able to do this if you are exhausted from exhaustion? So take a break! And not just for yourself. During the lesson, you can also take a short break (literally a couple of minutes) and invite students to do some exercise with you, which will not only help to warm up, but also help to improve brain activity.
Have you worked at a computer for so long that exercise doesn't seem to help? Always remember that you are alone, that no one will take better care of you than you do. Take a long break! Turn off your laptop and pay attention to your family, just lie on the couch. But without smart books! Otherwise it is not a vacation.
Take care of your eyes
Everyone seems to know that working on a computer does not have a very good effect on our eyes. Even more - we know about the rules that will help maintain eye health. But do we follow them? Not always. And in vain! Especially since it's not difficult at all. Just periodically perform simple exercises:
- Horizontal eye movements to the right and left;
- Eye movements in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise;
- Vertical movements of the eyes up and down;
- Movement of the eyes diagonally (slash the eyes in the lower left corner, move the eyes up and repeat in the opposite direction);
- Raising the eyes to the nose (raise your finger to your nose and look at it);
- Intensive and rapid compression and opening of the eyelids.
Of course, these exercises will not work wonders, but they will definitely help relieve fatigue and stress!
Visual exercises are a great way to relieve eye strain, rest and even correct some problematic moments. Teachers should perform such exercises themselves and teach students.
Forget about multitasking
Let's be honest: how many times management techniques have you mastered in order to have time to do several things at once? And when we work at the computer, it's still so simple! You can open Zoom, check emails, add scripts and read useful articles at the same time. The temptation is huge! But still it is worth holding back and remembering a simple rule: one thing at a time. It sounds trite, but this rule will help you save energy for lessons and just not get nervous.
And go outside! Nothing helps to "reboot" better than nature. Breathe in the fresh air, look at the sky and watch the clouds, collect yellow leaves, take a walk in the park. And then there will be no trace of computer fatigue!