Teacher, take care of your voice. Explore a variety of exercises
of exercises that will help you strengthen your muscles, articulate clearly and breathe properly. Teacher, take care of your voice.

Knowing the rules of proper voice emission is essential for everyone who works with a voice. However, mastering the theory is not enough. Practice is the most important thing. Learn a variety of exercises that will help you strengthen your muscles, articulate clearly and breathe properly. Teacher, take care of your voice.
It takes a long time to develop proper habits and learn to consciously use muscles that we cannot see. However, it is not about practicing all the elements once. This can cause unnecessary fatigue and cause more harm than help. For proper voice work, shorter exercises (even 10 minutes is enough), but more frequent exercises and maintaining constant self-control are better. The habits of the whole life are so strong that even a short period of neglecting exercise leads to regression and you have to start all over again. Let us not forget that a large part of the organs of speech are muscles that must be constantly exercised, stretched and strengthened.
There is a great analogy here with athletes who also have to constantly work on their muscles. And just like athletes, remember that you need to warm up your muscles. The beginning of the day, after a few hours' break in activity, requires them to be started. After getting up in the morning, we stretch to stretch our muscles. The body knows what's good for us, making us yawn, which stretches the chest and the articulation apparatus. A few breaths along the abdominal track, moving your lips, tongue, jaw and finally purring your favorite melody while preparing breakfast will certainly help.
Exercises for the movements of the lower jaw
The purpose of these exercises is to remove the lockjaw which is sometimes the cause of blurred articulation.
- Put your index fingers into the hollows under the base of the ears so that they rest against the back of the jawbone. Lower your jaw until it is fully open at a rate of five. The jaw returns to the starting position also at five. Repeat this movement at a pace of four, three, two, and one. Perform this exercise legato and staccato. Note: the jaw should drop softly, without tension, as if in a passive manner. The tongue rests indifferently at the bottom of the mouth and should not make any movements.
- Move your lower jaw to the left then right, increasing your pace from very slow to fast and then fast to slow.
- Bring your lower jaw forward and backward - keep the lips open.
- Make chewing movements. They are attended by: the lower jaw, lips and cheeks. Start with your mouth closed and then gradually open it.
- Read simple sentences with the stopper in between your teeth, and repeat them without the stopper. Don't put the cork too deep and don't keep it in your mouth for too long.
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Language exercises
These exercises develop the purposefulness of the articulation movements of the tongue, improve the mobility of the mandible and strengthen the activity of the muscular system of the soft palate.
- Quickly stick your tongue forward in a horizontal plane and just as quickly bring it back to the starting position, closing your mouth at the same time.
- Put the tongue forward, then point it as far to the right as possible and move it horizontally to the left, trying to keep the tongue as far out as possible when changing its position.
- With the lower jaw lowered, extend the tongue "wide" towards the chin and lift it towards the nose. Take care that the lower jaw remains stationary and does not assist the tongue in making this movement.
- Pull the tongue out of the mouth as far as possible and tuck it as far as possible into the mouth.
- Run your tongue over the outer surfaces of your upper and lower teeth, then slowly lick your lips with your mouth wide open and your jaw still stationary.
- With the lower jaw lowered, alternately touch the tip of your tongue to the upper teeth and then to the upper lip.
- Hit the tip of your tongue on the hard palate, imitating the sound of a running horse. It is accompanied by active lip movement.
Lip exercises
These exercises are used to activate the lips during articulation, because their laziness is a frequent cause of careless speech.
- "Brush" your teeth through the upper and lower lips, then the left and right parts.
- Close your teeth together and pull back the right, then the left corner of your lips, then both corners at the same time.
- Whistle a few times to one tone.
- Draw your lips together as for the vowel 'u' and then back the corners of your mouth as for the articulation 'i'. Repeat this several times.
- Pull down and closed lips to the left and right, and then rotate them.
- Lift the upper lip to your nose. The ideal is to keep the pencil between the upper lip and the nose without the help of the lower lip.
Breathing exercises
The easiest way to learn abdominal diaphragm breathing is when lying down. You can also practice standing or sitting. It is helpful to put a hand or books on the diaphragm, which strengthens it even more.
- We perform 5 abdominal-diaphragmatic breaths.
- We make 5 exhalations, pronouncing the "s" sound evenly loud. Then do the same, just quietly.
- We make 5 exhalations, blowing on a scrap of paper, making sure that the deflection of the paper is the same all the time.
- On one exhalation we count: one crow without a tail, another crow ...
- We pronounce the long "s" with pauses every 3 seconds. We do not exhale during the pause.