Technological education in times of uncertainty

important role in education, to develop the competence of solving problems using technology. Technological education in times of uncertainty.

Technological education in times of uncertainty

Our students will face an uncertain future; However, we know that technology will be present, so STEAM knowledge and skills, as well as programming, ICT and collaborative work play an extremely important role in education, to develop the competence of solving problems using technology. Technological education in times of uncertainty.

We cannot know what tomorrow holds, but we are certain that there will be situations that will have to be solved, and in many of them, technology will be present in one way or another. If we promote this competence in students, we will promote the acquisition and development of skills necessary for the jobs of the future, such as:

Critical thinking. By posing problem situations to students and asking them to solve them with technology, they need to analyze them from different perspectives, in this way they face multidisciplinary aspects to propose a solution. In this way, thinking is restructured and it is possible to broaden the vision of what is proposed to solve it.

Creative thinking. When we make a solution proposal it is necessary to make decisions, and we can do so from the development of new ideas and concepts, thus we promote creativity.

Collaboration and communication. When you work in a team, you seek to obtain the best learning results, both individually and as a whole, which is why the development of language skills and attitudes and values €¹€¹that help students to relate in a better way is encouraged.

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Learning from error. Creation involves successes and mistakes. Creating technology allows complicated moments in which you do not know how to continue, because something did not turn out according to expectations, become excellent reasons to reflect on what happened, and in this way show our students that mistakes are part of the human experience and that they are there to learn from them and make us improve.

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Develop self-confidence. When creating we also find the feeling of discovering ourselves capable of achieving what we set out to do. In this way, students can improve self-confidence.

Develop a taste for STEAM subjects. Technology problem solving is closely related to science, math, and the arts. By learning these disciplines in contexts that are meaningful to students, and by applying related skills and knowledge, a taste for them is promoted, and learning is linked to a sense of achievement.

Therefore, it is extremely relevant to act in two lines at this time: on the one hand, to enrich and meet the needs that these new ways of teaching at a distance demand of us and, on the other, to keep in mind that every day it is more necessary to help our students to acquire the skills they will need in the future.

It is up to all schools to continue updating to solve the circumstances that are arising, and once they return to class, they will have to continue using technological resources but, above all, to develop in students the ability to solve problems by means of technology, taking advantage of the fact that the way of learning has changed forever.