Technologies for providing emergency psychological assistance to students
It depends on how the child will deal with this trauma in the future. Technologies providing emergency psychological assistance to students.

Every adult who works with children should know the algorithms for providing the first pre-psychotherapeutic care because it depends on him how the child will deal with this trauma in the future. emergency psychological assistance to students.
Schooling is new knowledge and new horizons, new aspirations and new achievements, new impressions, new acquaintances, and new experiences. However, sometimes there is too much new: so much so that the nervous system of students cannot stand and fails. In order to maintain your own endurance at the epicenter of traumatic events and to provide emergency care to those who need it as effectively as possible, it is necessary to know and remember the algorithms for providing crisis psychological care.
In the webinar, psychologists analyze the main crisis interventions and summarize the technology of providing emergency psychological assistance to students.
Every adult who interacts with children should know the algorithms for providing first pre-psychotherapeutic care, and it is from his understanding of the situation and appropriate skills that determine how the child will deal with this trauma in the future.
At school:
- Fray;
- Quarrel;
- Baiting;
- Subjectively significant failure;
- To witness cruelty and violence.
- Domestic violence;
- Severe illness or death of a loved one;
- A sharp change in living conditions and a bright negative reaction of adults to it;
- To witness cruelty and violence.
What affects the effectiveness of injury?
A traumatic event is something that can happen to anyone. However, some are more stress-resistant and adapt faster to new conditions, recover faster and return to their daily lives, others are more anxious, immersed in this traumatic experience, and often cannot cope on their own.
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What determines the ability to overcome injury?
- From the characteristics of the traumatic event and its consequences (traumatic events of different levels).
- From the characteristics of the victim and his coping resources (strength of the nervous system, ability to overcome difficulties, experience in a good experience of difficult conditions, and specific character traits, such as the ability to switch and not fixate on events).
- To help the reaction of the social environment (if the environment will help the child, it will make a traumatic event much easier).
Types of response to aggression and violence:
External signs: strong excitement, paralyzed silence, the desire to separate from others, loss of sense of reality, lack of response to pain, cold extremities, bulging eyes, dilated pupils.
First aid:
- Isolate the child from tragic circumstances;
- Physically warm up.
External signs: rapid breathing and pulse, trembling fingers, lips, depression, lack of excitement, excessive activity.
First aid:
To be on the same level with the child (sit, if she is sitting);
Make it clear to the child that she is not alone;
Listen to her, expressing interest, understanding, and compassion;
Do everything possible to make the child relax and feel safe.
External signs: "a sharp decrease or absence of arbitrary movements and speech", the sensitivity of reactions to external stimuli, "freezing" in a certain position, numbness, a state of complete immobility.
First aid:
- To speak in a person's ear quietly, slowly, and clearly can cause strong emotions (even negative).
External signs: ''consciousness is preserved, excessive arousal, many movements, theatrical poses, emotionally saturated, rapid speech, screaming, sobbing''.
First aid:
- To take away spectators, to create quiet conditions;
- Unexpectedly take an action that can be very surprising;
- 'Speak to the person in short phrases, confident ton';
- Remember that hysteria is followed by a decline in strength, that is, the child should be given the opportunity to rest and recover.
External signs: motor and speech arousal, muscular arousal, desire for active aggressive actions.
First aid:
- To place the child in such conditions under which he will not be able to cause harm to himself and others;
- Give her the opportunity to understand the reasons for her aggression and accept it;
- Suggest alternative forms and ways of expressing aggression.
artical-traumatic stress
"artical-traumatic stress occurs when a child has not received help in any of the previous conditions." External signs: 'intense fear, the feeling of horror', obsessive reproduction of traumatic events, attacks of intense experience, avoidance of thoughts, 'feelings', conversations related to the event, the constant expectation of recurrence of stressful situations, health disorders, sleep disturbances.
First aid:
- Help a person express feelings related to the event;
- Give her the opportunity to communicate with those who have witnessed or been victims of similar circumstances;
- Take the victim to a psychotherapist.
How can adults help a child integrate the experience of a psychodramatic event?
- Organize security and distancing.
- Fill with resources.
- Teach and help in coping with stress and changes in life.
- Tell healing stories.
- Help to remember, 'understand events'.
- Help to live with a new understanding and sense of security.
- Please help restore life.