The art of teaching: what we were not taught at university
incredibly difficult. But we need to create a community where everyone is comfortable and safe. And it's quite real! The art of teaching.

How many students are in your class? And they are all very different! Needless to say, uniting different people, each with their own goals and preferences, is incredibly difficult. But we need to create a community where everyone is comfortable and safe. And it's quite real! The art of teaching.
The way to create a warm atmosphere in the team - fun traditions and common rituals. It's simple: when we do something together, we become closer to each other, understand friends better, suddenly find similar interests, share thoughts and hopes. So let's create common traditions!
Incredible educational hours
What do you talk to children during parenting classes? Sure, about serious and important things! But sometimes both you and your children should relax and have fun. Forget for an hour about studies and school affairs! This will help unload the brain and allow students to look at each other from the other side.
- Turn on fun music and invite children to dance. Learn a few simple moves or turn on a themed video. Do you want motor activity to definitely benefit? You can not only dance to music, but also perform useful physical exercises.
- Not everyone has the opportunity to go to the cinema, so why not arrange it just in class? Especially since there are so many not only interesting, but also instructive films that schoolchildren should watch!
- An interesting topic. Of course, you have a list of topics for educational classes. But are they always interesting to students? Children can choose a few interesting topics, and you - to arrange a secret ballot, during which the fate of the educational hour will be decided.
- Conduct interesting tests, for example, you can find out what love for certain animals, various hobbies and preferences say about us.
- Take a picture. In different locations! And then during the educational hour create bright photo albums.
Holiday of the new season
Some like autumn, some are delighted with winter, one is fond of spring, and the other is looking forward to summer. Every season is beautiful and deserves a special holiday! And this celebration can be turned into a good tradition that is sure to please your students.
In autumn, you can go out into the yard, collect yellow leaves, chestnuts and acorns, and make them incredible improvements, which can then be used for a cool mini-exhibition. In winter, you should play snowballs, try to create fantasy snowflakes and even do some experiments with snow and ice!
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Spring seems to be created to look for the slightest signs of the awakening of nature (who will find more? Who will see and photograph the first flowers and leaves?). And in May you can dream of a perfect summer together, write thematic works and happy wishes to classmates to have a great vacation.
Themed days
Theme days at school are usually about holidays, but you don't have to wait for them! Invent your own excuse for fun. Probably everyone has heard of colored days and weeks when the whole class wears clothes of a certain color? But actually choosing a color that all children would like is not so easy. So let's approach from the other side! For example, arrange:
- Sports day, when all students will perform interesting movements during breaks;
- Parents' day, when parents of children will be able to tell about their professions or hold a lesson instead of a teacher;
- A day of reincarnation, when children can appear at school in the image of their favorite superhero (masks or costumes can be made in a labor training lesson);
- A space day when children can learn more about the universe, draw the solar system (or make themed dioramas).
Special birthdays
All children love to celebrate birthdays and we can make them special! Invite students to create paper garlands, bright caps, greeting banners, fluffy pompoms, paper fans, and balls during a labor lesson or educational class.
And to make the holiday more personalized, you can invite children to invent special greetings for friends, turn on a particular child's favorite music and dance a fun dance.
Have children and parents' days
Yes, we know that parents are often busy, but sometimes you can still find an opportunity and arrange a real family holiday!
- Joint training to help children and parents better understand each other.
- An art or fairy-tale therapy session that will help you relax and unleash your creative potential.
- A joint tour with an unexpected theme (for example, "scary" places of school).
- Participation in a charity event.
- Sports holiday (traditional, but no less interesting format).
And you can invent many of your own interesting traditions that are sure to please your students. Maybe your class already has interesting traditions and rituals? Share in the comments!