The benefits of homework for children
follow instructions, as well as plan and organize things. Children also learn to manage their time. benefits of homework for children.

Doing homework develops in children many skills necessary for a successful adult life. Younger children develop coordination and motor skills by performing simple tasks (such as folding clothes or making a bed). Doing homework also increases a child's ability to follow instructions, as well as plan and organize things. Children also learn to manage their time. benefits of homework for children.
A study of children's learning habits found that children who regularly did their homework were more successful than their peers.
Homework also helps children develop a sense of responsibility. Not only do they learn to do the work on their own (which makes them more independent), they are instilled with a sense of responsibility for the common cause and the well-being of the whole family. If a child fulfills the tasks set before him, he develops a sense of self-worth and realizes his contribution to family life.
When all the homework is done by the parents, the child may feel dependent on them. Eventually, she begins to expect her parents to do whatever she wants for her.
The ability to take care of yourself and do simple homework helps children become more independent. So they will be better prepared for the freedom that will come when they grow older. However, it is important to distinguish between homework and the basic ability to take care of yourself. Some children believe that if they make their bed and clean their toys, or even brush their teeth, they are already doing their homework.
The problem is exacerbated by children's obsession with computers and smartphones. They hate anything that can take them off the screen for a few minutes. Follow the rules: in the first place should always be activities related to self-care, housework, pet care and family assistance. If the child then has time, she can use it for entertainment.
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There is no unequivocal opinion among parents about whether a child should be paid for household chores. Child psychologists say that children should do homework for the same reason as adults - simply because it has to be done, not because it can be rewarded. If parents consider it normal to give their child pocket money, then it should be done not for the work done, but in order to learn how to manage money. The child can understand the value of money, the value of different things, learn to plan a budget and so on.
However, instead of money for homework, children should receive praise and gratitude. So they should be proud of the fact that they are able to do the work, their independence and contribute to the well-being of the family. Praise the child after work, sometimes you can do with short phrases: "Thank you" or "I'm proud of you." Constant praise deprives the child of initiative and personal responsibility for the cause.
Sometimes you need to explain what you are praising your child for: "I like that you put the toys in their places," "I'm proud that you did the job without a reminder," "You managed to make the bed neatly," and so on.
It is best to give the child homework from an early age. You can do this with preschoolers in a playful way: for example, ask your child to imagine themselves as a father or mother. The youngest may need some time to observe or train. The child should be praised for the effort she puts in, not for the quality of the work done. This also applies to older children who are learning new responsibilities.
Older children and adolescents need a different approach to teach them responsibility. For example, you can hold a family meeting. Encourage your child to make suggestions. Ask for her opinion. Make a to-do list for all family members (both children and parents). This will serve as a reminder to everyone, and will also demonstrate that everyone's contribution to the well-being of the family is important. When a child sees how much his parents do at home before and after work, it can be a reason for him to think.
Once you have approved the plan, use praise as the child fulfills their responsibilities. Remind her if she forgets to follow them. Sometimes you have to remind several times. The child must not have access to electronic devices until the end of the work.
Again, you need to motivate the child to make an effort. Two rules can help you with this. First: when the child does the work, he can use a smartphone and a computer. Second: the child should not sit at the computer or smartphone all his free time. Screen time should be limited. No need to shout or insult a child to follow these rules. Keep calm and be consistent.
And yet: never give a child homework as a punishment for bad behavior.
After all, household chores should be appropriate for the child's age and level of development. Children 2-3 years old can be instructed to clean their toys, put clothes in the laundry basket, and fill the bowl of a cat or dog with food. Children 3-5 years old can help clean the table, water the flowers, wipe the dust. Children of primary school age (6-9 years) can sweep the floor or make the bed. Children aged 10-13 can cook or take out the trash. Children from 14 years old can defrost the refrigerator or iron clothes.
It is never too late to help a child learn to be independent and responsible. In the future, she will only thank you for the skills and qualities you instilled in her. They are really important for a happy and successful life.