The best antivirus for Windows 10

The best antivirus for Windows 10
The best antivirus for Windows 10

Here is a ranking of the best antivirus programs for Windows 10. They were selected on the basis of 3 criteria: protection, performance and system performance. The best antivirus for Windows 10.

The best antivirus applications scored 18 points. We present them below in alphabetical order. However, it should be remembered that the tests were performed in laboratory conditions, therefore the results of the tests performed may differ depending on the version of the system used, software installed on it and similar factors. In other words - do not expect that e.g. the detection efficiency in the test will also be 100% on your machine, but you have the right to expect very high efficiency. Why this situation? Well, from the moment the results were published to the day you read these words, hundreds of new pests appeared on the web that were not involved in the study. If the antivirus in question was successful in detecting threats in the lab, it should also detect them for you, but there can always be a nasty exception

The best antivirus for Windows 10

AhnLabV3 Internet Security

The antivirus, turned out to be a surprisingly good solution to protect Windows 10. With a barely noticeable impact on the speed of opening websites, the trauma of installing and launching applications is 100% effective in detecting various types of threats - although it raised a false alarm once. But it's better safe than sorry, right?

Avast Free AntiVirus 21.10 & 21.2

Avast Free Antivirus proved to be perfectly effective in stopping zero-day attacks, it also stopped 100% of malware found in the last four weeks. She also had a great sense of danger - never once did she report a false alarm. The only drawback is the slight delays in opening popular websites - the industry standard is a delay of 16%, here it was 18%. That's a small price to pay for strong protection, right?

AVG Internet Security

Free antivirus that perfectly detects new and old threats. Its effectiveness is very high, however, it noticeably slows down the opening of websites and the launch of applications. However, it makes up for the high level of protection. Perfect for home users. Once out of 37 samples, he announced a false alarm, but this is nothing to discourage him.

Bull Guard Internet Security

Bull Guard Internet Security is a strong Windows 10 protection that you will not feel. It is characterized by "lightness" - it does not slow down websites, installation and application launch, and it does not raise false alarms. What more could you want? Well, maybe a Polish language version, which it does not have. Despite this, it looks perfect.

ESET Internet Security

ESET Internet Security is a well-known brand that confirms its class in tests. Effectively protects against all kinds of pests, including zero-day, as well as phishing and similar threats. It slows down the opening of pages a bit - by 15% with the standard of 11% - but you can live with it. And it's safe to live. It is definitely a proposition worth considering.

F-Secure Safe

F-Secure Safe showed full effectiveness in protecting Windows 10 against pests, however, it noticeably slowed down the opening of popular websites - by 17% with an average of 11%. It also affects the copying of files - here the delay is 6% with the standard 3%. But it does not have a noticeable effect on the installation and launch of the application, so in practice it works great.

G Data Total Security

G Data Total Security 100% protects the Windows system against all kinds of pests, nor does it delay the opening of websites in any noticeable way. It barely slows down app installation noticeably - by 14% against an average of 12% - but that's the only thing it might not like. He raised a false alarm once during testing. However, overall it is perfect.

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Kaspersky Internet Security

Kaspersky Internet Security has been at the forefront of similar rankings for years, and the same is the case here. One hundred percent protection is the basis, but it is great when downloading files from the network - it examines them absolutely imperceptibly, i.e. it does not slow down the process. It also has significantly lower latency in opening websites and launching applications compared to the market average.

Malwarebytes Premium

Malwarebytes Premium is a lightweight, highly effective antivirus program. It perfectly protects the system, but you don't feel it working. Application launch exception - with an average of 8% here, the delay is 15%. In practice, it is 1-2 seconds longer, so it won't spoil anyone's mood. In addition, it does not raise false alarms and does not affect the speed of opening websites.

McAfee Total Protection

McAfee Total Protection is great at detecting all threats, has a much lower average delay in opening pages, downloading and starting applications. However, it has long delays during installation - 25% with an average of 12%. He raised a false alarm once during testing.

Microsoft Defender

Microsoft Defender perfectly protects the system against threats, it also does not raise false positives. It has the lowest latency of all the rest, including opening pages and applications, downloading files, copying files, and installing. Microsoft has done a great job - Windows 10 is perfectly protected by itself.

Northguard Security

Have the well-known and popular Northguard Security gives you strong protection for your system. During testing, it showed delays in opening websites - 15% with an average of 11%. However, it had lower latency when launching applications - 6% with an average of 8% - and installing applications - 7% with an average of 12%. So it is solid.

Norton 360

Norton 360 does a great job of protecting the system. It also has an almost imperceptible impact on the operations performed on the device - from opening pages to launching applications. It only sticks out when installing the application - the delay is 17% compared to the standard 12%. One time he raised a false alarm, but in general it cannot be accused of anything more serious.

Total AV

Total AV is an application that achieved an almost perfect result in terms of protection - 99.9%. So why is it on the list of the best? Well, it makes up for with much smaller delays in operations than the others. In order: when opening pages it is 5% - the average is 11%, when downloading files it is 0% - the average is 1%, running applications is 2% with an average of 8%. The only drawback is copying files - here the delay is as high as 17% with an average of 3%.