The emotional effects of television violence on children

through observation and retained in the child's mind for long periods of time. The emotional effects of television violence on children.

The emotional effects of television violence on children
The emotional effects of television violence on children

What programs or content can children watch on television? What are the emotional effects of television violence on children? According to data of Institute of Mental Health, violence displayed on television can lead children to develop aggressive behaviors. Much of these behaviors are learned through observation and retained in the child's mind for long periods of time. The emotional effects of television violence on children.

Television has an effect on the emotional areas of the child, influences their interests and motivations, and their integral formation. The more violence the child sees on television, the less emotionally sensitive they will have to real violence, and they will start to use aggression as a response to conflictive situations in which they are immersed.

The emotional effects of television violence are very evident in children: more violence on television, less sensitivity in children.

What are the emotional effects of television violence?

In addition, the observation of scenes of pain, horror and suffering gives rise to feelings that the child will discharge later, continuously, or during, or after the observation of programs with violent content. Violent content can be defined as scenes that involve destruction, injury or damage (physical and / or psychological) to people, animals or things.

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The action of the actors, the movements of the camera, the rhythm of the montage and the development of the scene of violence constitute a disproportionate force of impact on television, to the point that, to a greater or lesser degree, it can be taken for real the fictitious. The emotional effects that certain violent scenes can cause in children are contradictory with the positive values €¹€¹that parents try to teach them at home.

However, if parents are aware of the programs and their contents that their children watch on television, children can also learn something positive from television. Some social values €¹€¹such as cooperation, kindness to others and also some aspects related to their schooling. Everything will depend on the orientation and control they have from their parents.