The Holy Quran study has been made compulsory from the ninth to the twelfth standard students.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has made the study of the Holy Quran a compulsory subject from the ninth to the twelfth standard.
Inlighting the Peshawar High Court's decision, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has issued orders to teach the study of the Holy Quran as a compulsory subject from the ninth to the twelfth standard.
In 2023, orders have been issued to take 75 marks paper in annual board examinations of Matric and FA, FSC, increasing the total marks of Matric and Inter from 1100 to 1225.
A compulsory subject based on ethics was also developed for minorities. It will be considered a compulsory subject for children belonging to the minority community from class IX to XII. The number of compulsory papers increased to 5 after the addition of the compulsory paper of Study Quran.
The education boards have also sought recommendations from the Directorate of Education to include a 75-mark paper in the 2023 annual matriculation and entrance examinations.
Along with this, the Education Department has also ordered the Higher Education Department to implement this decision and has sent recommendations for starting the teaching of Quran in colleges.
In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, teaching and learning of Quran continues from primary to eighth grade. Meanwhile, an appeal was filed in the Peshawar High Court that it should be taught as a compulsory subject and an examination should also be conducted from regular children, on which the Peshawar High Court issued orders in the past few days.