The language barrier - what does it result from and how to overcome it?
The language barrier is a common problem among learners of foreign languages. While they can cope with listening, reading and writing,

The language barrier is a common problem among learners of foreign languages. While they can cope with listening, reading and writing, speaking is a serious challenge for them. Check out how to overcome the language barrier and learn to have fluent conversations!
Language barrier - what is it actually?
It is commonly said that the language barrier is a problem with speaking resulting from insufficient knowledge of the language. It turns out, however, that people who have been learning a foreign language for a long time and have no difficulties with listening, reading or writing a foreign language have problems with the language barrier. The reason is most often an emotional block associated with the fear of making a mistake, judging, ridiculing or incorrect accent. The language barrier can occur at all levels of language proficiency. This problem affects both those who have been learners of demanding and complicated Arabic for years, and those who are starting Spanish, one of the easiest languages €¹€¹to learn. It results not only from a lack of self-confidence, but also from using a foreign language too rarely. How to break the lb and finally start speaking fluently? Here are our suggestions.
How to overcome the language barrier?
The simplest and easiest solution to a language block problem is to force yourself to speak and overcome your fear of making mistakes. Many have difficulty speaking their own language correctly, and it is no different in the case of native Americans, Spaniards and Italians. Most often, they pronounce words incorrectly, twist the times or the order in a sentence. You don't have to pay that much attention to grammatical correctness, as there is a high probability that you will be understood anyway. If you're wondering how to overcome the language barrier, just forget about perfection and start speaking. Especially since making mistakes is a natural learning process!
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If the language barrier is due to a language being used too rarely, it may be a good idea to make international friends through dedicated platforms and applications. Contact with people from other countries will make you feel more confident. Traveling is also a good way to learn to speak another language.
Another way to get rid of the language barrier is also to increase your vocabulary. For this purpose, it is worth using various methods of learning a language, e.g. flashcards, artical-in cards or watching movies and series in the original.
The language barrier and the job interview in English
An interview in English is a stressful experience for many employees. Usually, the problem is not insufficient language knowledge, but a speech blockage that occurs when you are nervous. If you've ever had trouble answering "How are you?" and you couldn't remember the simplest words, you probably know what I'm talking about. Even people who read books in English are able to watch TV series and films without subtitles, and during a holiday abroad they have no problem communicating with a foreigner, often struggling with the language barrier. Why? The problem is when we feel judged. Most of us then focus not on fluent communication, but on the correctness of our speech. Falling into this trap is almost a failure.
The main mistake that candidates make is inadequate preparation for the interview and cramming ready-made answers onto the plate. Such a conversation is unnatural and boring, so the dream job passes by our nose. Most recruiters are not interested in using impeccable English, but in being fluent and communicative. Therefore, it is worth starting preparation for the interview with practical exercises to overcome the language barrier - not alone, but with a friend who speaks English well enough. It may also be a good idea to consult a specialist who has experience in recruitment.