The place of performing arts in education

arts; the tool that equips us with the ability to be human rather than just economic producer. performing arts in education.

The place of performing arts in education
The place of performing arts in education

With more and more emphasis on hard sciences such as STEM education the digital world of 21st century is changing rapidly. However, the one key element that is at risk of being ignored in education is that of arts; the tool that equips us with the ability to be human rather than just economic producer. performing arts in education.

John Montgomery the famous educationist asserts that being human is being more than a monetary fabricator whose sole focus is finance. Some experts suggest that the acronym STEM must be replaced with STEAM. By adding an A to the acronym, they want to stress the importance of arts which acts like a glue to stick together the knowledge of hard science like technology, math and engineering.

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If hard sciences provide the students with facts about the world, the performing arts enable them to engage their mind, bodies and emotions to create an expression of what it means to be a human. Great themes and ideas are explored and presented through performances. Arts help the students to discover their inner voice, to develop empathy for fellow human beings and grow confidence.

They enable them to gain insight about the paradoxes of ethnicity and human civilization. Performing arts help them understand that being compassionate, noble and kind is what makes a human a human. Arts teach students life skills as they learn to accept negative and positive feedback and take it constructively. They provide the learners with solitude which inculcates in them critical self-reflection which is vital life skill. Students„¢ creativity and the ability to work in collaboration is polished through arts as they are encouraged to engage in teamwork.