The risks of giving cellphones to children
children between 10 to 12 years of age own cell phones that have a service plan with them. The risks of giving cellphones to children .

For many parents their children better understand technology than they do. Although children are fond of cell phones and they start asking for a personal phone at early age, parents must be aware of the risks of providing children with a phone as it comes with a huge responsibility. A research report from US suggests that around forty five percent of American children between 10 to 12 years of age own cell phones that have a service plan with them. The risks of giving cellphones to children.
Although the talk has always revolved round negative effects of phones on young minds, using cell phones has its own advantages for both parents and kids. Having a phone means that children can reach their parents in emergency situations especially children with both parents working. Moreover, kids have opportunity of communication with peers, they can utilize social media and get to know novel information.
With the arrival of android and smart phones children have access to immediate information for their academic use. Even in developed countries the curriculum has become so complex that students at elementary level cannot do without web research or Google docs. Children can also make their leisure hours entertaining by using YouTube.
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But the question arises are the children responsible enough to take care of an expensive cell phone. The radiation from cell phones can cause health issues for young children. It may increase the risk of obesity, poor performance at school and decreased amount of sleep. Not only this use of cell phones by children can cause them emotional stress and generate social problems for them.
They are unable to understand the risk of articaling personal information on social media because they cannot even think that such information could be used against them in future. Research reveals that children who use cell phones are cyberbullied and sometimes they themselves are involved in cyberbullying others. confronting such unhealthy experiences at young age can obviously damage them and make them more vulnerable.