The role of child protective services in our society
Child protective services serve an important party in our society and in many countries. These organizations are designed and orchestrated

Child protective services serve an important party in our society and in many countries. These organizations are designed and orchestrated by the government in order to protect children from abusive parents, child trafficking, extortion etc. They have the power to take custody away from the abusive parents of a child and place them in foster homes for better care.
They take care of the immediate welfare of the children and save those who are put in harm way and are in immediate threat. CPS services are very active around the globe and cater to thousands of cases each year. However, in our society, CPS services are yet to be seen to work efficiently as most third-world countries do not fund these organizations in order to do their job properly.
They lack jurisdiction, equipment and research and as there is a lack of a functioning foster care system in our society, most of these organizations do not have the power to even help children who are being abused.
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Currently, there is a growing mafia of individuals who target young children from poor families for extortion, trafficking, having them beg on the streets, forcing them to do household chores without proper pay etc. These mafias have deep pockets within our society and work in the open with no one being able to question them.
The only authority who may do so, child protective services do not have the jurisdiction or the approach to press charges on such behemoths. Therefore, many cases of child abuse and trafficking are reported each year with no proper criminal action taken against the perpetrators.
This has led to an increase in the number of these cases as no capital punishment is being taken and major crimes like trafficking are considered bailable in most of these countries further decreasing the likelihood of an individual not committing this act simply due to the fear of authority. CPS services serve an important role in our society but they must be well-funded and staffed with proper individuals and given the right jurisdiction in order to eradicate these heinous crimes.