The role of the norms in the classroom

This behaviour could be towards the people we interact with or with the materials that we use when at school. norms in the classroom.

The role of the norms in the classroom
The role of the norms in the classroom

Classroom norms are those rules or expectations regarding student and teacher behaviour that prevail in the school settings. They are the rules which dictate us on how others expect us to behave within the walls of classroom. This behaviour could be towards the people we interact with or with the materials that we use when at school. norms in the classroom.

These norms are developed and implemented as a joint effort of teachers and their students. Students who are engaged in developing class norms have sense of ownership and have mutual cooperative and respectful relationships with others. Norms shift the responsibility of support and encouragement for social interaction from educators to pupils.

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Class norms assure learners understand community hopes and give rationale to learners for monitoring and altering their own behaviour patterns. When leaners have understood the notion of sharing, respect and trust, they join hands with teaching staff to implement the class norms which can support these notions. Norms may be written down for students to follow.

Writing down sentences such as be kind to others or give and take respect can be applied in specific situations. Norms need to be developed generally so that they stay relevant and applicable in a wide variety of situations. Students in collaboration with teachers can select specific behaviours by teaching collaboration skills and thus support the decided norms.

The benefits of introducing classroom norms include students knowing what they should expect from teachers and peers as well as understanding learning activities and tasks better. With norms implemented things go smoothly with classroom and confusion is lessened. Learners know clearly why and how to perform well.