Timeline from 1G to 5G and the benefits of using new technology

Imagine if you had to switch from using a typewriter to printing on a laptop in one day. You would definitely feel the speed and ease of work. With 5G, we are on the verge of a similar transition in the global communications system. Quality and high-speed communication may soon be available to many. the benefits of using new technology.
Chronology of wireless generations: from 1G to 5G
The global "appetite" for wireless speed was insatiable. In just 40 years, we have gone through five generations of wireless.
- 1982-1990s: Analog 1G
1G only supports voice calls
data throughput: 1.9 Kbps
- 1990s: Digital 2G
2G supports text, picture and multimedia messaging (SMS, MMS)
Data throughput: 14.4 Kbps - 384 Kbps
- 2000s: the era of 3G smartphones
The first 3G networks go online, support high-quality audio and video, and provide international roaming
- 2019 - our days: on the way to 5G?
First, South Korea launches a new generation of communications across the country, and then 50 Chinese cities. The US, UK and Germany also launched on a limited basis
Data bandwidth: 1 Gbps -> 10 Gbps
The global 5G market is projected to reach $ 668 billion with a combined annual growth of 122% (from 2020 to 2026). Moreover, almost half of this growth will be in the Asia-Pacific region.
4G vs. 5G: what's the difference?
Fifth generation technology is on the verge of takeoff. What distinguishes this technology from its predecessor? Let's start with the fact that improving the speed of 5G is something to pay attention to. It is 20 times faster than 4G. It takes about 6 minutes to download an average 4G movie. With 5G it will take less than 20 seconds.
Among other benefits, the fifth generation supports 10 times more devices per km². As a result, 5G will be able to work seamlessly with many other devices in the same area as before. This is crucial for its use in the inevitable Internet of Things (IoT).
Another fact is the delay. That is, the time required to send data from point A to point B. With 5G, the delay drops 25 times compared to 4G. This results in almost instantaneous data transfer.
Where else but smartphones
5G is one of the most anticipated technologies of our time, and there are good reasons for that. In the coming years, the partnership between 5G and IoT could lead to a boom in smart technology, and this effect could affect economic growth.
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The 5G network is an ideal backbone for IoT - it supports increasing the number of devices, speeds up data transfer and improves response time among connected devices.
Areas in which the introduction of new technology is required:
5G allows cars to make their own decisions in a split second, making them safer. These cars can also connect to buildings, streetlights, other cars, etc. in smart cities, responding quickly to any problems and improving traffic flow.
The fifth generation can help the high-tech industry by using AR / VR to increase productivity and accuracy. Analytics and advanced robotics in intelligent factories can simplify production processes, which will increase efficiency and reduce costs.
Although robotic operations are not new, 5G may allow these procedures to be performed remotely. Wearable and other smart medical devices provide patients with real-time information and accurate diagnoses. These two aspects will bring additional revenue to GDP in health care.
A new wireless era
The new technology is only at the beginning of its introduction around the world. However, supporting this latest generation of wireless communications will require a whole new series of infrastructure, including enabled devices, density and network access, and more.
It will take several years to fully master 5G. But as the technological shift continues to develop, investors can take advantage of the wave of opportunities that come with it. 5G is more than just modernization; it is the most important transformation of the main segments of the economy.