Tips for little learners at home
Do you need advice to help your children study? Looking for ideas to find your own rhythm? Next, we leave you the best advice for

Do you need advice to help your children study? Looking for ideas to find your own rhythm? Next, we leave you the best advice for the little students of the house. Particularly hyperactive children who need a little more help.
Tips for young learners
A perfect place for you to study
Hyperactive children need to move all the time, even without realizing it. That is why we have to offer them a space where they can do it without any problem and where they can study wherever they want. This type of place has to be flexible and contain everything they need to study.
If the child needs to move, it doesn't matter if he studies in bed, on the table, on the floor, as long as he does. Depending on your needs, you have to set up a place that maintains all the essential points for your concentration. This place should be large, quiet, where there are no other types of distractions and with everything you need to study.
Up the organization!
Organization is important for everyone and everyone in general, whether or not we are hyperactive. For this type of children it is very necessary and, as parents, we can work with him to carry it out. The idea is to help him and not do things for him. In this way, we will make a list of tasks that will then be put in order of relevance.
Implementing some strategies will help them study better, since they will be more aware of the time to invest in the exercise and the importance of it.
Tips for young learners
Dynamic seats
Your child is going to move a lot, so it is better to provide him with a chair than a dynamic one. Seats of this type allow the child to move in the direction they want, because they can always be in motion. In any case, we can let them do their homework standing up whenever they want. For this, it is best to place a high table, so they will not have back problems.
Use ergonomic school supplies
Ergonomic materials exist and make life easier, not only for children with hyperactivity but also for those with dyspraxia, for example or psychomotor retardation. You can find all kinds of ergonomic school supplies that will make everything much easier.
Pro concentration
Children with hyperactivity find it more difficult to concentrate, so we have to work on this. For this it is important that everything is organized and that they know what to do, what exercises to do or what they have to study.
In order for them to concentrate even more, it is good that the environment is relaxed, calm and that they do not have many visual or auditory distractions. If your child needs to move in order to concentrate, don't put up barriers, let him do it.
The place of study should be flexible, that is, you can study sitting, standing, lying down, etc. In order for them to concentrate more easily, they need to create a space of concentration, this means paying attention to focus on a single objective, something very specific for a limited time. To make it possible, you have to help them by guiding them and, in addition, providing small tasks. Since it will cost them to do a complete task, it is necessary to divide it into small tasks.
Finally, you have to be very patient and not scold the child. It is vital to have the greatest patience in the world so that they can manage to do the task on their own without being distracted.
Tips for young learners
We don't all learn the same way
At this point we must know that not all of us manage to learn in the same way. Some enter the material better visually, others auditorily or perhaps through touch and movement (kinesthetic). It is important to find out to which profile the minor belongs to help him study much better.
Knowing and making him understand what his learning profile is will help him a lot to move forward. This becomes yet another tool to help you study. In this way they can integrate learning strategies that are worthwhile and help them.
Keep a study routine
Routines must be maintained as they will help a lot to study. Just as there is an hour to sleep and to eat, there must also be an hour to study.
Tips for young learners
Use mind cards
Surely you have ever heard of the use of mental charts to study. This type of educational tool is perfect for exploring concepts, taking notes, or capturing ideas. It is a very simple way of learning that many children like.
These letters can be made by hand or through a computer program. The idea is to use them so that our son learns with them and it is easier for him to understand and remember.
Mental charts widely used as a tool for certain students with some type of language disorder or dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.
Go from one exercise to another
If you see that the little student in the house has tired of doing the same exercise, you can move on to another. The idea is to look for an opposite exercise, that is, one in which you have to make a different kind of effort. If you just did an exercise that used cognitive skills, you can do another one that involves moving. You can also take a break so that the brain can oxygenate a little.
Mindfulness or full attention
Other tools that used are mindfulness, mental exercises with the aim of focusing attention on the moment that has lived. In this way the child will learn to live things as they are happening at the moment. It is a tool that serves to learn to be more aware of one's own thoughts, feelings and sensations that one has at that moment. They will also become more aware of the environment around them. Mental or mindfulness exercises help those who practice them to focus more on the present and less on other times or times.
Understand when enough is enough
Finally, it is important to know when to rest. When you see that your child gets tired, has not motivated, does not want to pay attention or gets angry, do not insist any more. Let him take a break from studying by being able to play, eat something, drink or go somewhere else. Try to make it no more than 20-25 minutes. Then back to study.
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