Tips for the 5th grade class teacher on successful student adaptation
Try to make the lessons evoke positive feelings in the student due to a very strong emotional attitude to the subject at this age;

- Show a friendly attitude, support;
- Implement a democratic leadership style;
- Not to make great demands on children at the beginning of the year, to remember the difference between fifth-graders and other high school students;
- Try to make the lessons evoke positive feelings in the student due to a very strong emotional attitude to the subject at this age;
- To focus children on the development of objective criteria for success and failure, the desire to test their capabilities and find (with the help of adults) ways to further their development and improvement;
- To help students with low social status in the classroom to feel needed and wanted in the classroom:
- Conduct appropriate classroom hours to improve informal relationships between children using active forms of work;
- Involve in extracurricular activities, group activities so that they communicate more;
- Give extracurricular activities at extracurricular activities;
- Draw the attention of classmates to the success of these children in what they do.
Exercises used to relieve emotional stress.
In any profession, where many stressful situations, namely this category of professions includes the work of a school teacher - an important condition for maintaining and strengthening the mental health of the employee is his ability to timely "release" stress, relieve internal "clamps" and relax. Within 3-5 minutes spent on exercises, the teacher will be able to relieve fatigue and find a state of inner stability, freedom, self-confidence.
Psychotechnical exercises can be performed in the classroom before or immediately after the lesson. Relaxation psychotechnics can be practiced in the teacher's room, during the break between lessons.
Inner Beam Exercise
The exercise is performed individually; helps relieve fatigue, find inner stability. In order to perform the exercise, you need to take a comfortable position, sitting or standing, depending on where it will be performed.
Imagine that inside your head, at the top of it, there is a light beam, which slowly and consistently moves from top to bottom and slowly, gradually illuminating the face, neck, shoulders, arms with warm, smooth and relaxing light. As the beam moves, wrinkles are smoothed, tension in the back of the head disappears, wrinkles on the forehead weaken, eyebrows fall, eyebrows "cool", clamps in the corners of the lips weaken, shoulders fall, shoulders and neck are released. The inner ray seems to form a new appearance of a calm, liberated person, satisfied with himself and his life, profession and students. Perform the exercise several times - from top to bottom.
Performing the exercise will give you pleasure, even pleasure. Finish the exercise with the words: "I have become a new person", "I have become strong, calm and stable! I will do well! ».
Exercise "Press"
Game exercise neutralizes and suppresses negative emotions of anger, irritation, anxiety, aggression. It is better to do the exercise before working in a "difficult" class, talking to a "difficult" student or his parents, before any psychologically stressful situation that requires inner self-control and self-confidence. It is best to do the exercise immediately after you feel the psychological tension.
The essence of the exercise is as follows. The teacher imagines inside himself, at chest level, a powerful press that moves from top to bottom, suppressing negative emotions and the associated internal tension. When performing the exercise, it is important to achieve a clear feeling of physical heaviness of the internal press, which pushes down unwanted negative emotions and energy.
Exercise "Tree"
Any tense psychological state is characterized by a narrowing of consciousness and a person's concentration on their experiences. Exercise produces internal stability, creates a balance of neuropsychological processes, freeing from a traumatic situation.
- Imagine yourself a tree (which you like, with which it is easiest to identify yourself). Reproduce in detail in the mind the image of this tree: its powerful and flexible trunk, intertwined branches, swaying leaves in the wind, the openness of the crown to sunlight and rain moisture, the circulation of nutritious juices on the trunk, roots, firmly rooted in the ground. It is important to feel the nourishing juices that the roots draw from the ground. The earth is a symbol of life, the roots are a symbol of stability, the connection of man with reality.
Head Exercise
The profession of a teacher belongs not only to the category of stress, it is a profession of managerial work. The teacher is forced to constantly influence the students during the working day: to restrain them in some way, to suppress their will and activity, to evaluate and control them. Such intensive management of the educational situation causes the teacher to overstrain, various physical ailments. One of the most common complaints of teachers - headache, heaviness in the occipital region and head.
- Stand up straight, shoulders straight, head tilted back. Try to feel in which part of the head the feeling of heaviness is localized. Imagine that you are wearing a bulky hat that presses on your head in the place where you feel heaviness. Mentally remove the hat with your hand and clearly, emotionally throw it on the floor. Shake your head, straighten the hair on your head with your hand, and then throw your hands down, as if getting rid of the headache.
Exercise "Hands"
It is better to perform the exercise at the end of the working day, when fatigue has accumulated, reduced efficiency. Exercise relieves fatigue, helps to establish mental balance, balance.
- Sit on a chair, slightly stretching your legs and dangling your arms down. Try to imagine that the energy of fatigue "flows" from the wrist to the ground - here it flows from head to shoulders, flows from the forearm, reaches the elbows, goes to the wrist and through the fingertips seeps down into the ground.
You clearly, physically, feel the warm heaviness sliding over your hands. Sit like this for one or two minutes, and then gently shake your wrists, finally getting rid of your fatigue. Get up easily, resiliently, smile, walk.
Exercise "Book".
You need to imagine yourself as a book lying on the table (or any other object in sight). It is necessary to construct in detail in the mind the inner "feeling" of the book, its calm, position on the table, protecting the cover from external influences, pages. Exept this, try to see the room and the objects in it as if "on behalf of the book": pencils, pens, paper, notebooks, a chair, a bookcase, etc. The exercise is performed for 3-5 minutes. and completely relieves the inner tension of the teacher, translating him into the world of objects.
Exercise "Mood".
A few minutes ago you had an unpleasant conversation with the mother of a student who constantly misses lessons, violates discipline in the classroom, is rude to you. You encouraged the mother to regularly monitor her son's attendance and homework. To your surprise, the student's mother refused to follow your recommendations, saying that the school should educate the student. You could not restrain yourself and started making threats: you promised to call the student to the pedagogical council, to leave him for the second year. The student's mother left with full confidence that her child was not loved at school.
How to remove the unpleasant sediment after such a conversation? There are a few more lessons ahead, and it is necessary to maintain inner peace and efficiency. During the break, sit in the teacher's room, take colored pencils or chalks and a blank sheet of paper. Relaxed, draw lines, colorful spots, shapes with your left hand. Try to imagine that you are transferring to paper your anxious mood, as if materializing it. It is important to choose a color in full accordance with your mood. Now turn the paper over and write 5-7 words on the other side of the sheet that reflect your mood. Do not think for a long time, it is necessary that the words appear spontaneously, without special control on your part. After that, look at your picture again, as if reliving your condition, re-read the words and with pleasure, emotionally tear the piece of paper, throw it in the ballot box. Your emotionally unpleasant state will disappear, it will go into the picture and will be destroyed by you. And now, calm down, go to class!
Exercise "Proverbs".
We offer an exercise that relieves depression and bad mood. Take any of the books: "Pearls of Proverbs", "Thoughts of Great People". They are in school library. Read proverbs or aphorisms for 25-30 minutes until you feel inner relief. Perhaps, in addition to reassurance, this or that proverb will push you to the right decision.
Exercise "Breath".
It is advisable to do the exercise before the lesson. The teacher is invited to sit in a chair or chair, relax and close your eyes. As a team, you should try to divert your attention from the external situation and focus on your breathing. You do not need to specifically control your breathing: you do not need to disrupt its natural rhythm. The exercise is performed for 5-10 minutes.