Toxic work - 7 signs that it is
Do you feel like you can't stop thinking about the report you need to do tomorrow? Well, you might be dealing with what's called toxic work.

Are you coming home and you can't forget work? Maybe you have nightmares about your boss or a project that you need to finish? Do you feel like you can't stop thinking about the report you need to do tomorrow? Well, you might be dealing with what's called toxic work. The problem is serious.
Most people want to have a day off every once in a while. This is not a warning; it's natural. However, feeding a negative feeling every time you think about work is something disturbing. Toxic work - what are the warning signs?
You think about working 24/7
Do you still check your work email when you come home, on weekends or holidays? Let yourself escape from technology and enjoy the moment. Maybe because you are too focused on your work, you are missing out on more precious moments.
Sometimes we are so engrossed in everyday life that we don't treat important things as having real meaning. You have to work to live, not live to work. If you're at a job that makes you its slave 24 hours a day, something has to change.
Try to get rid of this dependency gradually. And tell your boss about it. Try to turn off the phone as soon as you are finished with work, or keep your e-mails closed unless you're in the office. Your sleep will also improve then.
Toxic work and a bad work environment
It's impossible to communicate with everyone, but it may be that you don't get along with anyone. Of course, it is normal that you are better off working with some colleagues than with others. It's also normal when you have someone who gives you trouble and isn't someone you enjoy spending time with. After all, it's not good to be surrounded by negative, intriguing, depressed, or jealous people.
A bad work environment can ruin even the most developed company. This is not a trivial matter. It can turn into what seems like an ideal job from the outside, a truly toxic workplace. Run away from emotional vampires!
Endless work
A heavy workload shouldn't last for years. If you finish important tasks and projects but your list of responsibilities and tasks continues, something is wrong. Either others added more tasks to you without your knowledge, or you need to inform that you need a break
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After you've finished a very important report or closed a big case you've been working on for months, there should be a pause - at least long enough to let you catch your breath and feel like you can handle the pressure again. It doesn't matter if you are the manager or the lowest level. Everyone needs less stressful periods of work at times. Especially after months of high stress. Toxic work leaves no room for regeneration.
Intimidating boss
The bosses who bullied employees are the ones who say your job can be done by anyone. They openly ridicule the employees. They are not interested in talking to the people under their care. Such people are constantly trying to discredit you, they are constantly shouting ...
Yes, you have a boss who abuses employees. Since it is impossible to ignore it completely, set emotional boundaries. It means becoming a kind of mirror: reflect your boss's words and don't let them sink into your heart.
Rejection of differences
If there is discrimination at work on the basis of gender, age, religion or sexual preference, it is toxic work. If the situation becomes really unbearable, action is required. Inform your supervisor or manager so they can take appropriate action. Unfortunately, the situation may remain the same or even worsen. In this case, you can ask for help and legal advice.
Of course, if you have been asked to forge documentation, if you have witnessed or been a victim of sexual harassment or any other type of violence at work, your work is not only toxic, your behavior is a crime.
Toxic work and the absence of employees
Of course, employees have to miss the day from time to time due to an appointment, illness or unforeseen event. But if there is an overall high level of absenteeism among employees, this is a clear red flag indicating that their work is toxic.
We are not just talking about being physically absent, but also mentally absent. Physical absence means absence from the artical for at least 3 days a month. The second is a form of mental absenteeism. The person is in the office but does other activities most of the time.
No sense of security
If you work in a company where there is no promotion opportunity and no real career path for employees, something is wrong. This means that your company probably does not care about work safety. Perhaps they are focused more on their own interests. Maybe they want to increase their customer base or save money. But in doing so, they will overlook the needs of their employees. In that case, it is a toxic job.
In addition, this problem is exacerbated when there is no department or group of people responsible for the well-being of employees. In this case, if you are the person with the initiative and you dare to take the step forward, express your objection and propose a solution.
Before you decide to quit your job, it is a good idea to try to rectify the situation. Even if you suspect it is a toxic job. Find solutions through dialogue and understanding. If that doesn't work after a few tries, you should consider changing your workplace.