Unfolding the Ultimate 3 C of Success with Mr. Riza-ur-Rahman MD Native School
today is because of the blessings of Allah Almighty. Unfolding the Ultimate 3 Cs of Success with Mr. Riza-ur-Rahman MD Native School

I am the Managing Director of Native School System, and I am also associated with several other departments of Native School. Digging the memory, I started my business in 1994 and it been 24-25 years that I am in field. Primarily, I got chance to work with various well-reputed institutions and I learnt a lot from them as well. Whatever I am today is because of the blessings of Allah Almighty. Unfolding the Ultimate 3 C of Success with Mr. Riza-ur-Rahman MD Native School.
- What is the prime focus of “Native School and how it is different than others?
Ans. In contemporary time, everyone claims their institute is different, but a legitimate standard to prove how good or different any school is by examining; what kind of result they produce and how many positions they hold. Since, Native School has been producing marvelous result with top positions; therefore, our school stands different in real sense.
There are three main things about which I„¢m always concerned and ought to develop these in my students. These three things are; Creativity, Confidence and Character Building €œ or as I so likes to call it “The Ultimate 3 C of Success.
Unfortunately, in our current Education System, students who get good grades are considered smart as compare to students who are creative, confident and have ability to do all things by themselves. That's why; we work on creativity, confidence and character building of students. And, students who develop these 3 C are considered as “toppers.
- How do you see the superlative service of Native School in the field of Education?
Ans.It is a magnificent blessing of Allah Almighty that Native School System has always been a trend setter to bring new trends in education sector of Pakistan. We did a sort of survey and we found out that 80% of our students said they will do jobs, but then, we started a campaign to highlight Entrepreneurship among students and to convince the parents of students to make their children entrepreneur rather than some 9-5 job holders.
There is saying of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), “Wisdom is the lost property of the Believer - It is a part of our custom and we tell this to people very happily that; what we are doing, they should do it too.
- Do you think we have made any progress with the existing Education System of Pakistan?
Ans.No, we haven„¢t made progress, this system is given by British, it is a very old system and we are still following it. InshaAllah system will be changed, as I mentioned three C, we are also engaging Quality Circles; a concept originated from Japan and later on spread to other countries. With the help of Quality Circles Native School is going to implement case-study based learning for the first time in Pakistan.
- Do you think current courses in academic institutions of Pakistan need any change?
Ans.Current courses are totally based on repetition and are only concerned with cramming. Entire syllabus of schools must be re-designed while focusing on the intellectuality of students.
Holy Quran is a complete code of life, it teaches all the aspects of life. But, mostly here we read Holy Quran in Arabic and don„¢t understand it. Tariq Aziz use to host a show “NeelamGhar and in that he always said, “the important thing is to understand the Holy Quran. After listening to him, I also focused on understanding Quran rather than just reading it. That why, at Native school we teach Quran with translation to our students. Even, prayer is also taught with translation from 6th class to onwards.
- It use to be decided by parents that whether their child is going to be a doctor, engineer, pilot, etc., but now students are taking this gear to decide their fate. What is your opinion on this?
Ans.I must say, it is a very good question! My personal opinion is that; our upcoming students who are in 4th, 5th, 6th, 1st year, 2nd year and even in graduation - they are blessed with knowledge and they have a broad vision and credit for this goes to educationists, media and gadgets.
- Native school is also focusing on teaching Chinese language to students; how fruitful it going to be?
Ans.Importance of knowledge can be understood by hadith of Holy Prophet (PBUH), “Seek knowledge even if you have to go as far as China. Pakistan is going for a partnership with china and there is going to be a great deal of opportunities, so we want to cash this situation fruitfully.
- Any message you want to give to students, teacher and parents through our platform?
Ans.Our religion “Islam is the most refined religion in entire world and everything is described in a basic manner in Quran. All the successful nations in world become successful by acting on Quran and we have to do the same. Rights of people come first and how we have to interact and do things is the key of becoming a civilized and successful nation. We have to act on it to make Allah happy!