Universal Education and its Importance in Pakistan

the system of universal education in Pakistan. This system has been used in countries like the US and other European countries where there is

Universal Education and its Importance in Pakistan
Universal Education and its Importance in Pakistan

The current government in Pakistan has time and time again talked about how they will implement the system of universal education in Pakistan. This system has been used in countries like the US and other European countries where there is only 1 method of examination, one curriculum and one methodology of study implemented by teachers around the region or country.

While Universal Education does yield some benefits, in countries like Pakistan, it will not be acceptable until a proper curriculum update is also brought into consideration. The curriculum Pakistan has right now in its matriculation and board examinations is simply insufficient to cope with the growing demands of the industry.

Universal Education and Healthcare were one of the primary goals of this government. They were talked about considerably in the Parliament and Senate as one of the major agendas. Some progress has been made on both of these accords but Education particularly has not changed for 4 years. This is due to many reasons.

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Firstly, most institutions do not wish to change and they are okay with what they are teaching right now. Private academies will not be able to charge exorbitant fees to admit their children into proper universities as education in itself will now be universal for all. Moreover, universal education will reduce the elitism and classism currently present in the schools and colleges of Pakistan where parents who can afford to send their children to private schools study a completely different curriculum where they are thought under the guise of British teachers by the CAIE or the Cambridge Assessment International Education Board whereas children who go to government schools are mainly taught an outdated syllabi. This has many problems. Mainly it is the inferiority or superiority complex generated within these students suggesting that one method of education is so much better than the other.

Lastly, it creates a gap of perspectives between the masses of students. O A Level candidates are preferred for their linguistic capabilities particularly their skills in English whilst Matriculation students have a much higher chance of landing at a prestigious medical university.